From Denny: BP continues to play games with the public perception of what's going on in the Gulf and keeps a stranglehold on this area's 300,000 now jobless who are idle and slipping into despair and bankruptcy. BP is still cavalier deciding just how little money they are going to reimburse small business owners for their losses. They dole it out in small amounts, stringing along the desperate people. Or worse, they often declare people's claims not to be legitimate for it is BP that decides that threshold not the Claims Fund Manager Ken Feinberg. People on the coastal areas have to jump through too many hoops to make a legitimate claim only to have it denied. For BP it's just a waiting game of playing out their philosophy of The Minimum Acceptable.
This mismanagement is beginning to become a hallmark of President Obama's administration. The federal government continues to fumble the football when the needs of the people are at stake. The political arm of the White House continues to send Obama out to make meaningless immigration speeches, hoping the Hispanic voters don't abandon them when you know they already have done so.
The political arm of the White House continues to send Obama out to do The Big Show of pushing peace in the Middle East again. This is what every administration does when their backs are up against the wall economically at home: Try to look good internationally. It's true Israel's obnoxious leader, Ol' Nettie as I call him, needed to have his odious arms twisted for his rude attitude toward, well, everyone that exists in the world, most notably Americans. There is nothing like dangling that big fat check for foreign aid in front of any rebellious leader to bring him back down to earth into reality. So, bully for Obama for gaining top dog status for the moment. Keep both eyes in the back of your head on Ol' Nettie because that story isn't finished by a long shot.
Back to the obvious... Mr. President, it's time to move the political arm out of the White House because they keep getting in the way of your ability to govern well. Your falling popularity numbers should be an indication that the political advisers have long ago lost touch with the people.
You are still wasting valuable time by not focusing ALL your energies on creating jobs. A lot of world problems will clear up if you focus upon getting America's economy back up on its feet. Right now the economy is still fragile. Forget all the Wall Street numbers; they are a sham and always have been. How do you gauge what is going on outside your protected Washington Beltway bubble? Check on new car sales. They are down by at least 13 percent from last year. Doesn't sound so bad. Yeah? Last year's sales were down by 45 percent. See where I'm going here? Your advisers are wrong that people are not that desperate.
Bankruptcies are up across America. That means people have been struggling for the past year or more and finally threw in the towel financially. Eighteen months ago the economy was just beginning to fail. The economy is in far worse shape today than it was at the beginning of the slow down.
Well, guess what, here's the real stunner of a statistic: THE ECONOMY IS YOUR PEOPLE! Employed people run the economy; they increase it - or decrease it when out of work. Get serious and get faster about government sponsored and actual government business start-ups to employ people if only temporarily like you did with census workers. A pack of temporary jobs is better than no jobs. It's a start. You are going to have to get serious about establishing geographic work zones around the country where people are within 12 hours drive time to go for a job interview.
People all across America are defaulting on their loans for cars, small and large businesses and their homes. Add up the dreary statistics for the past three years and you will finally see how desperate the America people are who are also the largest bulk of the population: the middle class.
One announcement last week of stimulus money throw at a couple of solar energy companies to hire about 1,500 people is a start. You, Mr. President, should be making those kind of announcements four times a week, every week, for the next eight months! Anything less and this economy will either fall off the cliff, go into a sudden sinkhole or falter weakly for the next 20 years. None of those scenarios are positive spin politically. So, if you don't want to go down in history as a reviled President then, please, get going on placing ALL your focus on this economy and creating jobs for the middle class. Do it today; do it every day until it's obvious that everyone has a job again. The increasing desperation of the American people, not your public perception and poll numbers, should be your number one priority every day of your presidency.
BP Oil Spill cartoons:
Russian Spies cartoons:
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