From Denny: Americans are furious. Furious over severe job loss or cutback in hours. Furious over not being able to meet financial obligations. Furious that their credit card companies continue to screw them over on excessive high interest rates and play games with changing the terms of the contracts. Congress let Big Business off the leash for the last 18 months just on the credit card issue alone. Big Business and Big Banks have gone hard-charging to destroy the middle class from every angle: their jobs, their homes, their savings.
Big Banks took federal bailout monies yet continue to strangle small businesses and individuals for loans. The banks think the money is theirs and refuse to lend - the very purpose for which they were given the money. The stimulus and bailout monies were meant to stimulate the economy. The problem is that Congress did not take into account the excessive greed and craftiness of Big Business to cavalierly choose to screw over the American taxpayers.
The Democrats continue to alienate their base. The Republicans continue character assassination like of recent USDA official, Shirley Sherrod, where the liars convinced this White House to fire her without investigation. If this were a man who was maligned there would not have been this fast a rush to judgment and throwing him under the bus. But, as usual, women get short shrift in America, as is evidenced by this poor handling from her maligning accusers.
People in America are angry about one thing: injustice. There seems to be no where to turn for justice in this country. Big Business and the politicians work hand in hand to destroy what's left of the middle class. Soon we will become a nation of the working poor if nothing happens to stem the tide.
The recent financial reform legislation looks good on the surface. The problem is that, again, Congress has given Big Business and Big Banks yet another 18 months to screw over the American people. What will happen, and how it will happen, remains to be seen. No one ever thought the credit card and health care legislation could turn out to be so negative either. Yet the crafty scumbags on Wall Street and the private sector went to work to see just how many people they could take advantage of and harm.
Americans are tired. Tired of getting up in the morning wondering if they will have a job. Tired of wondering how many more cutbacks on their pay plans or hours they can absorb. Tired of wondering if their house will be worth much when they try to retire, if they get to retire. Tired of wondering if there is any real health care any longer available to them they can afford to purchase because this White House was too cowardly to put in the public option.
The Democrats have failed us. They became corporate politicians, just trying to look good to the voters by passing weak legislation that gives the appearance of a good thing when the reality is far worse. The Democrats continue to join the greedy vicious Republicans in picking clean the pockets of the taxpayers. The Republicans howl about deficits yet continue throwing money at two wars which drain the treasury faster than any social programs could accomplish.
Congress will not stop these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan even though we can no longer afford them. Congress does not care how many families have been torn apart or destroyed by these wars or the returning vets who suffer severe PTSD. Congress has done nothing to stem the tide of Army suicides which happen every day now. You just can't expect soldiers to return for five tours of duty. It's insanity and cruel and unjust.
Americans are angry their government has forgotten them and thrown them under the bus in favor of Big Business and Big Banks. Congress, and this President, have repeatedly refused to put these societal offenders on a leash and truly discipline them. Instead, it's "Oh, bad doggie..." with a pat on the head and a wink they will be let off the leash for a time to frolic at our expense.
The middle class is in a world of hurt. The media, the majority of whom are mostly comfortable Republicans, and Congress, again too comfortable because they don't work in the private sector, just don't seem to have the fire in the belly to champion the needs of the middle class. It's all about saving their jobs, their incomes, their pride.
Where have all the Ted Kennedy types gone? America used to be a place where there were leaders who championed those in need. Well, at least there's Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Louisiana Congressman Charlie Melancon and a few notable others - but they are not enough. We need an army of decent people in our Congress and, instead, we are filled to overflowing with crooks and insensitive jerks.
It's time the White House quit catering to the Republicans and Big Business by the tactics of delay, delay and delay some more. Just how long does this White House - and it's political arm - think they can succeed with these tactics before everyone turns on them? Already, NetRoots is organizing to oppose their own Democrats in the November elections. They are saying "No!" to corporate politicians. And, judging by the polls the past few months, it looks like they will have a lot of agreeing company to help them accomplish their goals.
CNN Poll: Majority angry at both political parties (24 June 2010) - Fifty-three percent of people questioned say when it comes to the way the Democrats and Republicans have been dealing with the nation's problems, they are angry at both parties, with nine percent saying they're mad only at the Republicans and seven percent angry only at the Democrats.
According to the survey, 41 percent say the Republicans are more to blame for the country's current economic problems, with 28 percent saying the fault lies with the Democrats and just over one in four saying both parties are responsible.
Among Independent voters, 21 percent blame the Democrats, 35 percent say the GOP is responsible and 36 percent blame both parties for the economic mess.
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