And our dancing political cat that just got elected into Congress... The tune? The old standards: Big Business Sing Along and Screw That Middle Class. New holiday versions will soon be on sale at your nearest political music store. Be sure to click on this cat and a new window will open and he will dance for you. :)
The Orangest and Most Clueless Incoming New Speaker of the House Boehner:
It's not "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" but rather "Guess Who We Are Having For Dinner!" the Republicans exclaim with glee after the midterm election...
Republicans, the Tea Party and Fox News anchors on politics:
Life in America due to the Republicans Hate Machine:
Always Greedy Big Business:
Former "Pwesident" George Bush promoting his new book "Decision Points" - so now he is rewriting history as "Excuse Points" while he promotes the exotic torture of waterboarding as a wonderful menu for government leaders in dealing with terrorism. Seeing this guy again reminds me of how glad we all were when he left the White House:
Prez Obama on his India visit:
Yard Cat Democrats who can't seem to get on the same page for anything important:
Speaker Pelosi was the one of a handful of Democrats with a steel spine to push the liberal agenda trying to help the majority of the country. She had better run and win the Minority Speaker job or all the older Democratic female voters in this country will be up in arms - and refusing to vote in another Democrat. The President has never had her back while she has been loyal and had his. Time for Team Obama to get serious about backing Pelosi and quit with the old boys club attitude of throwing everyone but themselves under the bus. In the words of the female Tea Party Republicans "Man up!"
The sadness on Veterans Day as we remember those who fell in many wars, never to be forgotten by their country:
The health of the American economy is on the minds of more than Americans as evidenced by the questions asked by students in India during Prez Obama's visit. They wondered about the extending of the Bush Tax Cuts. After all, the Bush Tax Cuts are 30 percent of our deficit and if we could cut the tax plan on the wealthiest Americans we could significantly lower our deficit easily with the fewest amount of people feeling the pain. Come on. Just how many hand-made million dollar cars does a rich guy need when millions of his countrymen are standing in line at food banks - and 43 million are now on food stamps? And if these stingy greedy people don't want to grow a heart - let's all chip in those meager middle class monies - and transplant them a new one.
G-20 Summit - well, that did not go well for Obama. South Korea thought it funny to force Prez Obama to lose face on the international stage when they backed away from previous promises.
The shame is on South Korea, the spoiled child of America for 60 years now. Time to remove the troops from there - and take the foreign aid with it. South Korea now has a million man army and can stand up to North Korea. Let them be China's headache. Let South Korea spit in China's eye.
And while we are at it removing our presence from Asia, it's time to boycott South Korean products like their cars and clothing. Works for me. Buy American.
And some fun for those who love American culture as we are getting ready to place some serious death graphics on "cancer sticks" - cigarettes:
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