New reports stream in about how TEPCO did not do safety inspections over many years. Today another blow to their credibility: While planning for a killer tsunami, the company dismissed scientific evidence as well as 3,000 years of geologic history. The science evidence has been available for a decade.
They arbitrarily decided that the Earth simply could not release such fury from the chafing of two coupled tectonic plates building stress and great pressure nor from the ensuing killer tsunami that was registered as high as 33 feet tall, 27 feet in other accessments. A fault line lies offshore just about 220 miles from the plant. TEPCO engineers again arbitrarily decided a tsunami certainly could be no higher than 18 feet high and would pose no problem.
President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, Arjun Makhijani, labels this Japanese nuclear incident the most serious since Chernobyl in 1986. Most notably he discusses (in the second video) how the nuclear threat level long ago surpassed the level five the Japanese claimed last week. He is sounding the alarm. Is anyone listening?
He says the release of radioactive Iodine 131 is 100,000 times more than what happened at Three Mile Island. Drinking water, sea water and food are all contaminated in Japan, with constant new exposure daily.
Cooling the hot fuel rods so they don't release radioactive steam into the air has been hampered by the salt water used in desperation last week. The salt has coated the fuel rods making them hotter and more difficult for the fresh water now being used to make contact with the metal rods. In short, the fresh water cannot easily cool the rods because of the salt coating.
Makhijani says there are seven sources of radiation leakage and these difficulties will not be contained or controlled for some time. The real question is this: Just how much time is left?
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