From Denny: Two words: Newt Gingrich. Two more words: Laughable Hypocrite. This guy has more ex-wives than should be possible. He lays a line of huge BS on them, they swallow it hook, line and sinker. Then, years later, they are shocked Newt admits he is shallow, two-timing and a total hypocrite.
His own words, recently revealed by the recent ex-wife: "It doesn't matter if I live up to what I tell others to do. They want me to tell them how to live. I can live however I choose. The important thing is others need to hear from my lips how they are supposed to live their lives." Can anyone get more arrogant or self-aggrandizing?
Newt Gingrich is a real piece of political and hypocritical artwork that seems to think his cruelty and deceit toward others will never catch up with him. Remember this is the former GOP House Speaker that ran his strategy to impeach President Clinton AND Vice President Al Gore so he could be the one to step into power as the new president. That fiasco backfired on him and he was forced to step down in shame.
Now he's running for president against Obama. No wonder Team Obama is so confident they will win reelection. Take a look at the Bozo Collection lined up against him in the Republican Camp: Bozo Bachman, Weirdo Palin, Foul-Mouthed Huckabee and now Laughable Hypocrite Newtie. Yeah, that's no competition - at least from among the Republicans. And never under estimate the will of the American people to be so ticked off with the current president to throw him out on his ear in favor of a Bozo. After all, George Bush, and co-president Karl Rove, set the standard for the New Low in American Politics.
Well, with the cartoonists, Ol' Newtie just can't pass The Smell Test. Take a look and get a weekend grin from the latest Buffoon Brigade running for President...
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