It's admirable President Obama chose to help the Libyan people who are revolting against their dictator but it's now time for America to pull back, sit down and allow some other country to be the star of the international show. I vote for France. Who cares if France wants to headquarter from Paris instead of New York? Who cares if it's NATO or France doing the duty? Why must American military commanders always dictate the terms? We no longer must commit 95 percent of the money, the troops or the weapons. The coalition partners all have robust and well equipped modern military. There is no need for this "show boating."
I vote for France to take the lead because they created the Problem Child known as Gadafi and enabled his deadly temper tantrums for four decades. Now it's their turn to deal with him - and bear the brunt of the expenses, time, military, diplomacy, and, if they capture him, trials. Their Big Business profited from being cozy with Gadafi. Let them now pay the piper.
America has Afghanistan and Iraq as our Problem Children that we broke. Now we are paying dearly for them. Every Super Power has their bad karma. Let's all go about cleaning it up for the next generation to live in Peace without heavy debts.
Sec. Gates and President Obama said today America will hand over the Libyan action by Saturday. Make it so, gentlemen, or you can kiss goodbye the very thought of a 2012 reelection. You think your polling numbers are bad now? Let this police action and money drain continue for even another week like it has dragged on too long a time for Afghanistan and Iraq and you will be run out of every town in America.
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