From Denny: Well, it's unanimous - most of America hates these budget cuts. We have all figured out we are getting screwed by our corporate politicians. If we get sick, grow old, desire higher education or want any kind of stable financial future then we are just "shit outta luck" with this President and this Congress. They appear to be beyond shame and keep feeding their Greed Monster: Big Business.
To the rescue? Looks like Lady Karma will be dealing some harsh hands to the same hard hearts slapping at - and dismissing with a cavalier wave of the hand - all the vulnerable in our society. The way Big Business is going just about everyone will end up in the Vulnerable category, from what's left of the middle class down to the poor.
At some point Americans will have to riot and take to the streets to reestablish real values in this country. I wonder how long it will take before Americans understand how over the past 30 years the Republicans and Big Business have whittled away at the middle class wealth to drive us into perpetual economic slavery?
Obama and the new budget that takes from the poor and gives to the rich:
The truth is that it is not necessary to raise taxes to keep all this in place. What is necessary is to end corporate welfare. Just in 2009 Exxon made billions in profit yet received back from the federal government over $100 million in tax cuts. The oil industry also receives over $53 billion in oil subsidies. And that's just the tale of one company and one industry. Billions could be cut out of the federal budget by this area alone.
Then we could tackle unnecessary payments in foreign aid to healthy first world democracies like the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany and many other countries who simply do not need American taxpayer funds to balance their budgets. They already enjoy healthy economies in the areas surrounding any American military bases.
There is so much money wasted in our federal budget by greedy war profiteers and Big Business getting kick backs that it's obscene. Yet, both sides of the political aisle, right up to President Obama, are willing to take from the very poor and give to the rich.
To Congress and this President I say, "Revisit those $900 billion in tax cuts to the wealthy. If those tax cuts truly worked to stimulate more jobs in the private sector it would have been happening for the past 10 years. Clearly, that argument does not hold water."
Yeah, right, from this Republican cartoonist. It's the REPUBLICAN governor in Wisconsin doing this to thousands of state workers, taking away employees' rights. That governor thinks he will balance a $3 billion shortfall by whacking away $300 million to state employees. "Do ya think?" we should make all political candidates pass a simple math test before they are allowed to get on the ballot? This Wisconsin protest is just the beginning of many the next several years. Republicans have succeeded in whittling away at the wealth of the middle class by taking away their employee rights and pay.
And there is a reason why you don't touch Social Security and Medicare - it's called TAKING CARE OF THE OLD PEOPLE WHEN THEY ARE OLD, SICK AND VULNERABLE, YOU FOOLS! One day all of us in this country will grow old. We should have a reasonable expectation of not living in abject poverty or trying to figure out where our next meal is going to come from when we are too old to work:
And from the Republican Speaker of the House corner:
American economy:
And on the lighter side of America:
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