From Denny: Wisconsin Gov. Walker and his Shame Republicans think this issue is closed. They plan on firing up to 7,000 teachers. Their state's economy is already rocky and now this idiot governor is poised to rocket it into the abyss. When the protesters chanted, "Shame! Shame!" they were on target for just how bad local governments have become. Republicans are hell bent upon pleasing their corporate donors to the tune of wrecking the American economy.
What did the Republicans think they accomplished by "winning the battle but losing the war"? At present, they basically got rid of the teachers' rights to negotiate their wages and benefits. Now the governor can set any level for their wages and they have to take it or leave the job. That is not a choice. Nor is it American to deny a person free speech. Our Supreme Court gives free speech to nasty people like the Westboro Baptist Church that screams hate speech at the funerals of fallen gay soldiers. Yet we cannot seem to give free speech rights to our own teachers.
What a bunch of traitorous hyenas running this country. The country is set on a slow burn that could erupt like a volcano as this harsh Republican lunacy spreads from state to state. Already my Louisiana governor is following the Christie-Walker leadership like some dancing puppet for our state budget. Fortunately, he is getting fought from both sides of the political aisle.
The new law - if it survives the flying lawsuits - requires unions to hold a new certification vote every year. Nor would unions be allowed to collect dues from workers' paychecks. This last one is the only one that makes sense fiscally. It takes up time and money for the state to act as the business office for the unions. The unions need to pay for their own administrative work and not burden the taxpayers with that collection.
Currently, Senate Democrats have filed a complaint with the Dane County District Attorney's Office. It's believed the Senate vote violated Wisconsin's Open Meetings Law. At the very least, millions of voters were not allowed to be represented at that vote.
Recall efforts are also underway. Talk about change the political landscape. There are recall efforts being called on eight Republicans - and eight Democrats too. Recall petitions are also in the works to recall the governor when his first year of his term is finished. All this takes time so it may be a while before the law can be enforced even though the governor signs it today.
It would seem the people of America have become as violent as the latest weather. Everything is in a fury and the political winds don't show any signs of calming down to a cool breeze any time soon.
Crime in America, Mexico:
Wisconsin Peoples Revolution:
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