At the moment, scientists and world governments are most concerned about reactor number three's spent fuel rods as that is the plutonium reactor. This is the reactor where the military are flying in bucketfuls of water to try and douse the hot area. Specialized military water trucks have proven more successful. Teams work in short bursts of time because the radiation levels are so high and then they must retreat. Another team moves in to take their place in the emergency relay trying to beat the time clock, hoping against hope.
Scientists are also discussing the possibility of trying to douse the spent fuel rod pool with sand and dirt, essentially burying it. My question is this: Will the sand melt or the dirt evaporate just like the water? No one has addressed this scenario as of yet.
Today the Japanese government upgraded the nuclear threat level to level five out of seven levels. It was after they got some aerial footage determining the level of damage throughout the plant of the several reactors.
While there are still nine of the ten nuclear reactors in dire distress in Fukushima, there are various schemes they are attempting to gain control of the out of control situation. There are these three battles they are fighting simultaneously.
Power lines are getting restored to reactors number one and two. There is the hope the cooling systems will still work after shutting down from the tsunami. They have no way of knowing if the systems are operational. If they are not, then it's on to Plan B.
In reactor number four it is debated as to whether the spent rod pool is empty or has some water to cover them sufficiently. The Japanese believe that tiny glint they saw in the photos was proof all was fine. The Americans and other scientists don't agree and see the pool as in dire need of coverage. How they plan to work out that problem is anyone's guess.
The Japanese finally welcomed the American scientists on board today, saying they "appreciate any help that is offered." Clearly, they have reached the end of their solutions and are finally willing to accept other input. But it may be too late. It has now been a full week since this nuclear situation began.
One thing is for sure, President Obama had better be careful about claiming there is no threat from radiation coming this way to America. As of now, yes, the radiation has dissipated in the weather system. However, it is not wise for the president to make promises when we still don't know the domino effect of the all the reactors and spent fuel rod pools going into meltdown and explosions all at once. Hasn't anyone discussed that scenario with the White House? We may have to be concerned about radiation clouds to some extent, especially if the weather does something unusual or unexpected.
What the cartoonists have to say about the Japanese nuclear disaster:
The twisted thinking of the GOP and how it's Obama's fault Japan is in nuclear crisis:
More Obama on the world stage and perception:
The GOP still hard at work buying up politicians for Big Business and the nuclear industry:
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