From Denny: This is a midterm election season and it is in full swing like a Presidential election. This year is when the controlling political party gets to redistrict the nation to give one party or another more seats and deprive their competition of enough to drive them into minority status. Meanwhile, it's the voters who suffer from these greedy selfish practices. The Republicans are the most notorious in breaking up Democratic strongholds they could never gain control of to get a seat in the House or the Senate unless they did gerrymander the voting district.
This year, because of the Supreme Court ruling, there are now anonymous donors throwing $20 million checks at the Republicans - and some Democrats - to buy back Congress. It's shameful how the Republicans have sold out this county. No other country in the world allows foreign companies or countries to lobby their political members - let allow buy them for hire.
President Bush sold out our nation's ports to the Saudis and now President Obama has allowed the Saudis to buy up a lot of our Big Banks and Wall Street. It does make you wonder if the Saudi owners are intent upon imploding our economy as a way to take down America through economic terrorism - much to the delight of Islamic extremists. Their mortgage home foreclosure policies are as skunky as their credit cards' excessive usury and outrageous fees practices.
There are a lot of issues to vote about come this Tuesday, November 2nd. Make sure you get out the vote in your area. Register your opinion and let your voice be heard loud and clear - above the din of coins dropping into the pockets of Congress. This year is The Battle Royal as the voter is working hard to wrestle control away from corrupt corporate politicians. Help keep Speaker Nancy Pelosi in office.
Oh, those well paid for by anonymous donors political ads:
Political mud slinging - even when it's true:
Just plain politics:
19 years after the fact now there are several women finally coming foward to admit Anita Hill was correct about Justice Thomas is not fit to sit on the Supreme Court:
Tea Party darlings:
Bamkruptcy and family in-fighting greed after the founder's death hit the megachurch:
American sports have finally figured out the perils of head-butting in a game. Be aware that the human skull is only one-quarter inch thick and easy to pierce, crack, fracture or break. There's a reason why we wear helmets for sports:
Gay Rights of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell":
The real reason America is fighting a war in Afghanistan:
Global warming and the education of America:
*** Check out more humor this week:
Funny Life Cartoons - 21 Oct 2010 - Get a grin today while tripping through the cracked minds of some talented cartoonists while they explore our lives and give us their opinions.
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