From Denny: Early this morning one of America's TV "Moms" passed away - Barbara Billingsley, from the 50 plus year old show "Leave It To Beaver." That crazy show is apparently still in reruns even though the Baby Boomer generation that grew up on it are all now Gray Hairs (excepting those of us who enjoy cozying up to the hair coloring industry). Barbara was in her nineties and still known for her wicked sense of humor. She was a delightful person on so many levels. There is one cartoon referencing the show in regard to the effect on people's lives from unemployment and the eventual home foreclosures. I doubt the cartoonist knew she was ill when he drew it.
The economy cartoons are blasting out of the box this week and the home foreclosure mess cartoons are just beginning to show up. Nor are the politicians in this election season getting high marks. Even in my home state of Louisiana our Democrat, Charlie Melancon, is running away from Prez Obama as he wrestles the Senate seat away from Republican Senator Whore House Vitter.
He's running neck and neck with Vitter at the moment. You would think it would be a runaway gap, wouldn't you? But then, for phone polls the only people who tend to answer them are the retired Republicans. So, only time will tell as to who shows up at the polls.
The DNC needs to do a hard push all year long to demand Democrats get out and vote in every election. This nation would never have found itself in the mess it is if Democratic leaders pushed the voting booth agenda every day like the Republicans do. We outnumber them yet under perform on voting. In the last election I voted, the Senate primary, only a little over 100,000 people voted out of almost 3 million registered. Of the Democrats only about 27,000 voted.
We all had better hope Melancon wins. Melancon is a progressive guy who will help push the Democrat's agenda. Though currently a Congressman, getting elected the first time to the Senate is the hard part. After that the rest is easy in this crazy state. People will stick with him just like they have with Senator Mary Landrieu. The Republicans constantly attack her like they do Speaker Pelosi. Have you ever noticed how the Republicans are consistently the nastiest toward Democrat women?
The cartoonists also went after the Supreme Court for their idiot law of the land regarding anonymous Big Money donations from other countries wanting to own American politicians. Talk about the newest level of "winning hearts and minds" - not - "backasswards" as we say in Louisiana. This law will go down in our history as one reflecting the corrupt atmosphere of our political and business sectors.
Well, keep the Chinese dissident, Liu, in your prayers, the man who also won the Nobel Peace Prize this week. Held captive as a political prisoner of such a harsh regime is no easy life task. Hopefully, by awarding him the Peace Prize it will motivate China not to harm him further, eventually releasing him as a show of goodwill to the international community.
The brightest spot from this week in the world news was the rescue of the 33 Chilean miners who had been underground for two months. Some great video on that one, especially from CNN. Check this blog's sidebar for that story as I collected the best of the video into one post.
American economy - and Hungary's toxic sludge spill disaster:
Voters are angry the Democrats have yet to reverse the toxic effects of 8 years of bad Republican economic policies:
And the home foreclosure cartoons are just gearing up:
The Voter Scream: "Can you hear me now???"
Someone needs to ass kick Big Business for their cavalier attitude that has crashed the economy:
How the Republicans really should run their version of the political attack ad because it is the subtext of what they are truly saying:
What a corrupt Republican dominated Supreme Court we have to allow foreign governments and Big Business interests to effectively override my American vote by sending anonymous monies into elections. It's just another word for "bribery." Roberts, Scalia and Thomas all deserve a good beatdown and impeachment for promoting this garbage that is destroying our country:
And this is what the Supreme Court should be doing to change the cultural landscape instead of political corruption for Big Business:
Democrats and this election season:
Playing games with the truth about the BP Oil Spill is unacceptable. Fire Axelrod now!
The Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't Terror Alerts from America when the intelligence community picks up seriously stepped up terrorist chatter that usually precedes a series of attacks throughout the world:
And Axelrod should already be gone as he was the biggest problem of inaction on the part of this administration, always downplaying the seriousness of the issues with the economy and voter anger while he was feathering his own comfortable nest, insensitive to the needs of the people.
Axelrod and his political crowd still haven't figured out the obvious of the necessity of courting the redneck vote. The Democrats are perceived as only taking care of the gays, the women, the minorities and some of the middle class.
Rednecks consider themselves to be working class. Mr. President, talk to them. Talk to them not as rednecks but as fellow Americans. Talk to them in tune with their professions like trucking, manufacturering, construction. And while you are at it, quit listening to anything that comes out of Axelrod's mouth. The guy is selfish and a manipulator. Even Gen. Petraeus called him "the ultimate spin doctor." And that's the polite version.
What you have on your hands is another loser like Bob Schrum. I bet if you ran Schrum's financials during the election season of every Presidential election he ran you would find he was taking money from the Republicans as well. Axelrod looks like he's cut from the same cloth. He is no loyalist:
Mr. President, "this one's for you!"
Minority Senate Leader Boehner is known as "The Tan Man" because he literally spends more than six months out of the year golfing instead of doing his job in Washington for his district in the state of Ohio where their jobs are devastated - and he was complicit in sending their jobs overseas:
Tea Party strange:
World Politics:
Mexico's ongoing struggle against a one million man army drug cartel that has spilled over the borders into America:
North Korean bloopers:
Imprisoned Chinese dissident receives Nobel Peace Prize:
Viva Chile! The 33 Miners Rescued:
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