Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts

02 February 2015

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations: 3 Joy Quotes: How Does Practicing JOY Bring Order and Harmony Into Your Life? Also, Joy Contagious Lip-Syncing Cop Viral Video

From Denny:  Now if everyone in politics and every CEO in Big Business would read this, think how much people would quit hating their jobs, their bosses and their politicians!

Joyful X 2 Bathmat
Joyful X 2 Bathmat

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations: 3 Joy Quotes: How Does Practicing JOY Bring Order and Harmony Into Your Life? Also, Joy Contagious Lip-Syncing Cop Viral Video: From Denny:  Have you ever noticed that when you are filled with Joy that your whole world is suddenly harmonious and everything just falls into place?  Joy is contagious too.  When you feel good, everyone around you feels good too!

While not everyone is called to enter into the decades long rigorous training to become a mystic for the benefit of humanity, a lot can be learned and practiced in everyday life to better enjoy life's journey.  Practicing Joy is practicing healthy spirituality, regardless of religion or no specific religious preferences at all.

Joy is a central principle for the human spirit.  Joy sustains us through life's sorrows   and disappointments.  Joy acts as a counter balance while climbing out of depression or grief, dealing with past trauma and the ensuing PTSD, keeping us from sinking down further into negative emotions and thoughts.  Joy is important to safeguard not just our mental, emotional and spiritual health but it has a direct positive benefit upon our physical health too.

Adults often develop habits that steer away from Joy.  Babies laugh hundreds of times a day.  How much have you laughed out loud today?  How much have you laughed in the past month?  Do you find your world crumbling around you, feeling out of sorts and grumpy, thinking limiting thoughts, focused upon how little is going your way? ... read more

Joyful X 2 Padfolio

Inspire: Keep your Joy up and flowing to attract order and harmony into your life all year long!  
Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @ - see what's new!  Thank you to those who are supporting this effort.  You rock!  

Proceeds go to Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank (Louisiana) and to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital for all the awesome help they have given to the children of the Gulf Coast.  

Developing this online gift store is one of the ways of how I keep my Joy up, focusing upon creativity that creates proceeds for charities doing great work.

*** Joyful x 2 design found in the Denny Lyon Gifts store @ Cafe Press in these sections:  beddingstationery and inspiration (plenty of style choices for women, men, baby and kid's t-shirts and hoodies.)

25 December 2014

Dennys World of Quotes: Christmas: Funny and Thoughtful Christmas Quotes and Short Poems

Dennys World of Quotes: Christmas: Funny and Thoughtful Christmas Quotes and Short Poems: From Denny:  Well, now that we have finished Christmas breakfast at our house it's time to roll out these fun Christmas quotes and Christmas poems for you and yours to enjoy!

Oh, how rude of me not to give you the Christmas breakfast menu:  a Dutch Baby Oven Pancake with spiced cooked apples and a side of Honeysuckle Italian style ground Turkey made into a sausage which I spiced up extra with some seasoned brown rice, smokey paprika, garlic and extra virgin olive oil before shaping into small patties and cooking on the stovetop.  Yeah, it's a tough day at our house all right. :)

And, yes, I made the roast turkey yesterday since we like to celebrate Christmas Eve as well so that pressure is non-existent.  Made a wonderful wet rub for the turkey that sat a day uncovered in the fridge to marinate:  rubbed under the skin and on top with a mixture of red moscato wine, extra virgin oil, and lovely spices and herbs like marjoram, rosemary, sage, ginger, sea salt, black pepper, smokey paprika, garlic powder, a touch of lite soy sauce and more.  Blanched the green beans earlier in the week so all that needs to be done today is to heat them up in clarified butter and some spices as a side dish.  All the cooking left is to bake the Louisiana sweet potatoes which are a divine dish in themselves they are so sweet! .... Click on the title link above to view the funny quotes at my quotes blog...

For plenty of holiday recipes and recipes for the entire year you can check out my four food blogs where I collect the best of our local cooks, my own recipes and variations, as well as the news and food networks:

Joyful X 2 Rectangular Canvas Pillow

Inspire: Keep your Joy up and flowing to attract order and harmony into your life all year long!  Available in t-shirts for men, women, kids and baby along with bedding, pillows, dining, entertaining and technology like for your latest phone case!  Phone cases listed here.

Oh, and the ads are for my Cafe Press store, Denny Lyon Gifts, where the proceeds go to the local food bank, Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank - and to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital

03 November 2014

A Truth Journal: VOTE! Political Fails, Missteps, Midterms, ISIS, NFL: Late Nite Jokes

A Truth Journal: VOTE! Political Fails, Missteps, Midterms, ISIS, NFL: Late Nite Jokes: From Denny:  Make sure you VOTE! to get your voice heard above the lying political campaign ads.  If we want to change out our politicians who refuse to attend to the needs of the American people and get this country going again, then VOTE! even if you did not intend to vote until 2016 for the presidential campaign.

Make sure you have a valid I.D. like a driver's license or other state issued I.D.  Republican legal teams will be out in full force nationally to challenge voters at the polls, intent upon throwing out millions of votes or preventing millions of voters from being able to exercise their right to vote at all.

Even here in Louisiana the Republican brand is so disliked by voters that the candidates refuse to acknowledge they are Republicans on all their yard signs and political literature.  The public may be almost as angry with the Democrats but less so than with the Republicans who are too lazy to work but 13 percent of the time in Congress.  Why are we paying these lazy fools $168,000 annually anyway?  Part time work should be rewarded with part time paychecks and no health care plans since they are temporary workers.  Works for me.

Meanwhile, enjoy the political jokes, poking our most greedy and clueless politicians.  Get out and VOTE! and create a tsunami to overwhelm Congress with how the middle class wants real change and real change now...

Holiday Message Greeting Cards (pk Of 10)

The perfect holiday season message: "may you have a happy, merry holiday season"
Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new! 

Funny Normal Is Boring 15 Inch Laptop Sleeve

Check out this funny saying promoting the human race!
Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!

27 September 2014

A Truth Journal: Funny Whiner Russia To UN: "You Are Not The Boss Of Me!"

Vladimir Putin and Dobby.
Fellow WHINERS: Russia's Putin and Harry Potter's Dobby The House Elf

A Truth Journal: Funny Whiner Russia To UN: "You Are Not The Boss Of Me!": From Denny:  The Russians are so amusing, forever entertaining us.  The Russians are so desperate to be taken seriously on the world stage yet are failing miserably every time they open their noisy lying mouths, whether Putin speaks directly or sends out pathetic surrogates.

Russia continues to behave like the naughtiest child in the global family, content to receive negative attention, harsh discipline like sanctions and head-shaking disapproving dirty looks.  Yeah, read that as the world community is collectively giving Russia "The Stink Eye..."

Get Respect Large Messenger Bag

Get Respect Large Messenger Bag

Available in other handbags, totes, wallets and coin purses:  go here.

Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!  Currently, proceeds go to Greater BR Food Bank and St. Jude's Children's Hospital - both groups do some really great humanitarian work.

Related Articles

Chasing ISIS: Why Are Republicans And Pentagon Suddenly Forcing Iraq War Two?

September 11th, Terrorism 13 Years Later: What Have The Saudis Done To Prevent Another?

Note to White House: Quit Killing Future U.S. Hostages

25 December 2012

A Christmas Post: True Christmas Story: Funny Christmas Conversations

Le Père Noël en chair et en barbe !

A Christmas Post: True Christmas Story: Funny Christmas Conversations: From Denny:  Think back. How much can you remember about the things your parents used to tell you about Santa? This Christmas Eve my husband and I started that conversation. Though we have been married many years there were still some things we did not know about each other.

We laughed about the incredible stories our parents told us on Christmas Eve. It was becoming a contest between whose parents were the most outrageous storytellers.

Do you remember the funny and downright lame excuses your parents used to give you when talking about Santa coming to visit on Christmas Eve? 3 videos.

Peace Christmas Star Round Ornament

Enjoy the profound Peace of the Christmas season!

06 December 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Video: Happy Dachsund Plays Fetch With Machine

Dachsund (Photo credit: stirwise)

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Video: Happy Dachsund Plays Fetch With Machine: From Denny:  Check out this hilarious dachsund playing fetch with his own play machine in the hallway of his house.  He knows exactly how to place the ball into the machine and when to start running to catch the ball as the machine winds up to throw it.

At the end of the video enters the family's little baby, sitting in the hallway, having fun stuffing the machine with a ball.  Then the dog brings another ball to place in the machine.  He politely waits for the baby first.  When the dog starts running to catch the ball down the hall the baby starts laughing.  Definitely in the Too Cute category.

Louie Name iPhone 5 Case

The man about town: introducing the infamous Louie! - more pet names available, check it out!

19 December 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Check Out Christmas Posts: Funny, Music, Cartoons, Quotes, Recipes, Poems, Stories

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Check Out Christmas Posts: Funny, Music, Cartoons, Quotes, Recipes, Poems, Stories: From Denny:  Check out so many Christmas themed posts that you will pig out like it is a holiday feast.

I've been blogging for three years now and have found loads of Christmas music of all genres - and still adding.  Interesting food to enjoy along with Christmas humor to keep you laughing as well as munching through your busy holidays.

This year I'm adding more Christmas stories and poems, the classics.  Every year there are new recipes to try so the holiday food train just keeps on rolling!
Enhanced by Zemanta

18 December 2011

Political Cartoon, Video: Obama And His Fellow Election Pundits

Barack Obama
Image by jamesomalley via Flickr
From Denny:   As the 2012 election gears up to wear out the American public this month and for the next year nonstop, I thought I'd remind my fellow media guys - and now President Obama - just how bad they often look when giving their opinions, especially of their own accomplishments.  It really is the season of having to endure more delusional smug political propaganda from both sides of the aisle.

Tis the season of the cartoonish political pundit, spouting off silly opinions that rarely ever come true but sure makes for funny entertainment.  This pastel drawing is a classic of mine.  It was drawn when George Bush 43 began his campaign for president back in 1998.

The Repbulicans tout how they are gods we the voters are supposed to bow down and worship.  You see, they keep their message pretty simple:  Worship me; get nothing and like it.

30 May 2011

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny End Of The World Cartoons, Late Nite Jokes, Funny Videos

Photo by I'm Fantastic @ flickr

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny End Of The World Cartoons, Late Nite Jokes, Funny Videos: "From Denny:  Like any responsible journalist I was waiting to make sure the end of the world did not arrive so I could report on it. Now that the end of the world has been rescheduled by an 89-year-old senile pastor until 21 October 2011 all news personnel are free to make mock"

28 May 2011

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Relationship Issues Cartoons, Remember Your Special People Memorial Day

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Relationship Issues Cartoons, Remember Your Special People Memorial Day: "From Denny: These cartoons will really get you thinking about your current - or, uh, er, past relationships. It sure takes all kinds to make the world go 'round, doesn't it? A little light humor based off reality is just the ticket for a way to ease into a long holiday weekend...

Strange Brew

Have a great Memorial Day holiday, chill out to shed yourself of some stress, enjoying some time with family and friends. Be sure to lift your glass to toast those who came before us, sacrificing their lives for our freedom during war time or those who sacrificed as good friends to help keep us balanced in the mundane places of life. Take time to remember the best people in your life and celebrate them this special holiday."

24 May 2011

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Cartoons: Its All In Your Odd Perspective

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Cartoons: Its All In Your Odd Perspective: "From Denny:  This funny cartoonist. Dave Blazek, makes us laugh in his 'Loose Parts' corner of the funny world. Take a peek inside this guy's mind."

Those new spending habits of the sprayed cockroaches that left your house and moved uptown:

Loose Parts 

*** To read more just click on the link ***

09 May 2011

Dennys World of Quotes: Work and Unemployment Quotes

"Top Women" at U.S. Steel's Gary, Indiana, Works, 1940-1945

Dennys World of Quotes: Work and Unemployment Quotes: "Work and Unemployment Quotes

We believe that if men have the talent to invent new machines that put men out of work, they have the talent to put those men back to work. - President John F. Kennedy

Unemployment diminishes people. Leisure enlarges them. - Mason Cooley

When I quit working, I lost all sense of identity in about fifteen minutes. - Paige Rense

An 'acceptable' level of unemployment means that the government economist to whom it is acceptable still has a job. - Anonymous

The trouble with unemployment is that the minute you wake up in the morning you're on the job. - Slappy White

Unemployment is capitalism's way of getting you to plant a garden. - Orson Scott Card

We pretend to work because they pretend to pay us. - Anonymous"

*** To read more click on link ***

07 May 2011

Dennys World of Quotes: Funny Birthday Quotes

Dennys World of Quotes: Funny Birthday Quotes: "Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. - Tom Wilson

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened. - Jennifer Yane

Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. - Larry Lorenzoni

May you live to be a hundred years - With one extra year to repent.

The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. - Lucille Ball"

24 April 2011

Funny Easter Photo: Check Out Latest Security Guard: Attack Bunny

From Denny: Someone is creating quite a few grins this Easter season with this silly photo. I mean, who needs a guard dog when you can enjoy your very own Attack Bunny on patrol? The security service guarantees they are such tough guards they will catch any criminal off their game.

If you desire the very best - and the latest technology - in business or home security, then Attack Bunny is for you. They will be hopping through your neighborhood night and day, advertising their outstanding services and just plain showing off their hopping prowess.

What about the cost of hiring an Attack Bunny? They are quite cost effective. Think about it, they can only cost a few carrots a day to keep in top condition and maximum alertness to protect hearth and home. Now what more could you want in this down economy?  A goat to eat your lawn to save on gas at the pump?

21 April 2011

Funny 1917 CIA Spy Technology Docs Released: Invisible Writing

CIA Director Leon Panetta

From Denny:  Anyone who regularly reads this blog knows I grew up in the CIA. Yes, it was one weird childhood living with such paranoid uptight and often humorless people. Whenever the CIA releases ancient documents molding down in their deep dark spy basement it always gives me a grin.

When I was a kid we spent a lot of time figuring out codes since Dad had been a code breaker in WWII - among other things. One of our other childhood past times was to figure out intriguing ways to pass messages and, yes, write in invisible ink. Even Dad joined in the fun. My mother just shook her head and thought we were all a bunch of looney tunes. Knowing Dad he was probably using his baby geniuses to do his research on the cheap. Who said you can't take your work home with you?

Anyway, it is with great pleasure I present to you Rachel Maddow's cheeky report about Dear Ol' Dad's creepy CIA. This week, The New CIA under Director Leon Panetta - and a lot less creepy, odious and just plain obnoxious - released some 1917 technology for public viewing, er, laughter.

18 April 2011

Funny Tax Season: Cartoons and Late Nite Jokes

From Denny: And, first, on the serious side this tax season, Beware the Scam Artists. There are those commercials assuring you how they can get you tax resolution if you owe back taxes. With all the job loss it's no wonder there are so many Americans struggling to pay their taxes.

Well, do yourself a huge favor and talk directly to the IRS. Under the Obama administration they are a far more friendly, kinder IRS. They will help set up lowered payments for you, even if you made a deal with them months or years earlier on other back taxes.

They will still negotiate with you while you try to find a job or recover from the chaotic economy. I know what I'm talking about because I hear it everywhere around me: People in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast are getting to be IRS policy experts these days since the BP Oil Spill Disaster a year ago.

Call the IRS on your own. Don't waste good money throwing it away to a tax resolution attorney or service. Often they don't get you as good a deal as when you negotiate directly with the IRS. After all, the whole point is you are struggling to pay, so why load yourself up with more debt you end up owing to a tax service? These guys can charge you thousands of dollars for that one cheap phone call you can do yourself.

Whatever you do, make sure you file your taxes even if you don't send in payment. The IRS is a lot more amenable when you have complied with the law and filed in a timely manner.

To date, there is over $330 billion owed to the IRS, most from the wealthy who just plain refuse to pay what they owe. Isn't it about time Obama started chasing down Big Business and the greedy before they go after out of work or under employed Formerly Known As Middle Class Americans?

12 April 2011

Funny Video: Stephen Colbert Prepares Us 4 Life Without Glenn Beck

The Image via Wikipedia

From Denny:  This is pretty funny stuff as Stephen shows the Beck clips of "end of the world backpacks" every household should stash. It's got at least two weeks worth of freeze dried food that tastes yummy, according to Beck. Then Colbert goes on to lampoon the remaining stragglers of advertisers still willing to show their face, uh, their products on the Glenn Beck show.

07 April 2011

Dennys Funny Quotes: 7 Funny Cartoons: Change Is Good

Lady GaGa concertLady Gaga Image via Wikipedia
Dennys Funny Quotes: 7 Funny Cartoons: Change Is Good: "Take a short holiday trip through some funny cartoon minds to pick you up at the end of your work week.  There is a cartoon for every size and taste.  Musician?  Check.  Sports fan.  Check.  Fitness buff.  Check.  Foodie.  Double Hot Fudge Sundae Check.  Comic book fan, er, graphic novel.  Yep.  Fashionistas. That too.  And not to be missed is the Louisiana Gator cartoon, totally twisted thinking if I say so myself.  "

05 April 2011

The Lurching American Economy, Political Cartoons

South façade of the White House, the executive...Image via Wikipedia
From Denny: The world economy is a mess and about to get messier with Japan in distress from their latest earthquake, tsunami, nuclear disaster trifecta. Well, the good news is that we are all in the same boat, trying to swim the same polluted economic waters. It would help if our governments gave us accurate numbers and quit massaging them to please the financial markets.

The unemployment here in America is supposed to be at 8.8 percent. What a joke. There are millions of people who gave up looking. Those known as The 99ers, whose unemployment benefits ended after 99 weeks, have been unemployed for years now.  Even President Obama says there are hundreds of thousands of people who will never get a job again.  What kind of statement is that from a president?  Not everyone deserves a job in this country?

01 April 2011

12 Best of The Web Funny April Fools Day: Pranked, Spoofed and Trashed

From Denny: There are those among us - of a cheeky bent - who look forward to this one day a year when people forgive us for pranking them. Today the web was full of April Fool's Day fun from every angle, a real bumper crop of craziness!

1 - First up: Google leads the fun with their prank about their new feature of "motion-controlled" email. After all, typing on a keyboard is "so last century," right? And Google says it's also "outdated" and "inefficient."

"To open a message make a movement as if you were opening an envelope. To reply, simply point backward with your thumb," Google says in a video demonstration. More instructions? "To reply all, use both hands. To send a message, lick a stamp and place it down."

Well, you too can look like a complete fool by believing this satire and standing up in your office cubicle on Freaky Friday and get elected Fool Of The Day by using various body language to instruct your computer. It's like using cat body language to write an email. Hey, whatever floats your boat.

Best April Fools' Day Pranks - Google motion email is half way thru this clip:

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