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Showing posts with label latest cartoons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label latest cartoons. Show all posts

16 October 2010

American Economy and Crazy World Politics - 16 Oct 2010

To our politicians: the nation's cartoonists are watching you... Check out their latest opinions about the state of the economy, the current election season and world politics

From Denny: Early this morning one of America's TV "Moms" passed away - Barbara Billingsley, from the 50 plus year old show "Leave It To Beaver." That crazy show is apparently still in reruns even though the Baby Boomer generation that grew up on it are all now Gray Hairs (excepting those of us who enjoy cozying up to the hair coloring industry). Barbara was in her nineties and still known for her wicked sense of humor. She was a delightful person on so many levels. There is one cartoon referencing the show in regard to the effect on people's lives from unemployment and the eventual home foreclosures. I doubt the cartoonist knew she was ill when he drew it.

09 October 2010

American Economy and Crazy Politics - 9 Oct 2010

Check out this week's latest political humor from the nation's cartoonists. The Tea Party wins hands down on the most talked about this election season.

Lady Gaga looking spooky for this election season gala whre we all will gag  if the Republicans get back in control.

From Denny: If the state of the American economy was not so sad these mental Bozos running for office as Tea Party Tea Baggers would be comical. The strange thing is there are actually people willing to vote for them. Which is why there are so many cartoons this week featuring the redneck theme.

I always get a charge out of my relatives in the Northeast who think all rednecks live in the South. Talk about a case of regional bigotry. It's bad enough we have racism and homophobia in this country but now it's long held regional culture bigotry. I've traveled a lot of places and if there is one thing of which I am certain:  Rednecks live everywhere - even overseas.  It isn't just an American phenomenon.

25 September 2010

America and World Politics Cartoons - 25 Sept 2010

Check out cartoonist opinion on American and world politics this week.

From Denny:  The usual political focus this week has been the obvious - the politicians are more worried about keeping their jobs, keeping their majority or gaining the majority in Congress than about governing the country. Some things never change - yet these are the very things that require change.

Interestingly enough, the Tea Party is annoying and confusing the Republican establishment. The Tea Party regulars refuse to march in lock step and unbridled obedience. That would sound like people who want to think for themselves and should be a good thing, right? Unfortunately, the Tea Party is even more radical than the radical Republicans - to the tune of downright insanely outrageous.

If either group gets back into power they have promised to get rid of Social Security so old people won't have any of their hard-earned money as a modest retirement. If they can't get rid of Social Security then they plan to turn the huge fund over to Wall Street to manage.  Uh, that's the old adage of "the fox guarding the hen house" and will never work.  The conservatives want to get rid of Medicare, Medicaid and repeal the health care law so the old - or anyone else for that matter - will have reasonably priced health care.

They want to get rid of unions so employees will be at the mercy of greedy employers, paying or not paying on a capricious whim.  Of course, that's what it is like living in what is called a "right to work state" like Louisiana, Georgia and about a dozen other states  in America. A "right to work" state is where an employee basically has no rights unless they are unionized.  Employers go after anyone who tries to unionize.

Traditionally, the Democrats used to be for the middle class and the working person.  These days there is a new breed of Democrats slinking onto the stage:  the corporate Democrat - and they are just "Sellout Lite"compared to the Republicans who are "Complete Sellout, Even Our Souls."

It's important to the survival of the middle class in America that Democrats purge the party of corporate politicians and champion the needs of the middle class.  Without the middle class thriving the poor get thrown into the abyss of poverty even deeper.  It's the middle class who give generously to charities world wide.  It's the middle class who cares.  Without the middle class what will happen to those in greatest need in America and the world?

Oh, and did I mention how the Republicans  don't plan to have a government or enforce any of the laws that might pertain to Big Business once they get a choke hold on Congress again? That pretty much sums up this week's campaign slogans from the Republicans when they rolled out their tired Pledge to America, a retread from 1994. Americans are looking at them and saying, "You fooled me once back in '94; you aren't fooling me again in 2010."

American Politics:

Drew Sheneman

Robert Ariail

Lisa Benson

Jeff Stahler

John Sherffius

Bill Day

Ed Stein

MIke Thompson

MIke Thompson

MIke Thompson

Nick Anderson

Rob Rogers

Lisa Benson

Chuck Asay

Gary Markstein

Chuck Asay

John Sherffius

Steve Sack

Steve Sack

Steve Sack

Steve Sack

Signe Wilkinson

Nick Anderson

Jerry Holbert

Steve Benson

Lisa Benson

Gary Varvel

Mike Luckovich

Jeff Stahler

Mike Luckovich

MIke Thompson

MIke Thompson

MIke Thompson

Education as low priority in America far too long under Republicans too cheap to pay for it and too uncaring to do anything about it:

Jeff Stahler

World Politics:

Bill Day

Chip Bok

Robert Ariail

Chip Bok

Cartoons About Our American Economy - 25 Sept 2010 - Check out cartoonist opinions this week on the state of the American economy.

*** Also, more funny opinion from cartoonists this week:

Funny Hunh?! Cartoons - 25 Sept 2010 - Check out this week's amusing observations about Life: relationships, pets and the tech world cartoons.

Cartoons About Our American Economy - 25 Sept 2010 - Check out cartoonist opinions this week on the state of the American economy.

Funny Outrageous Tea Party Politics - Check out cartoonist opinion this week as they draw the funny happenings from the Tea Party.

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