Lady Gaga looking spooky for this election season gala whre we all will gag if the Republicans get back in control.
From Denny: If the state of the American economy was not so sad these mental Bozos running for office as Tea Party Tea Baggers would be comical. The strange thing is there are actually people willing to vote for them. Which is why there are so many cartoons this week featuring the redneck theme.
I always get a charge out of my relatives in the Northeast who think all rednecks live in the South. Talk about a case of regional bigotry. It's bad enough we have racism and homophobia in this country but now it's long held regional culture bigotry. I've traveled a lot of places and if there is one thing of which I am certain: Rednecks live everywhere - even overseas. It isn't just an American phenomenon.
Well, my heart was cheered and I had to laugh when the news featured a story about how the state of Delaware is divided as North and South. Down South live the rednecks and up North live the supposed enlightened intellectuals.
Folks who cling to the redneck attitude are basically concrete thinkers who were never trained to think analytically and certainly not critically. What that means is you are dealing with a child like mentality of everything has to be simple reasoning. For them there are no shades of grey in an argument. Sometimes, life is that simple. Many times it is not. But to the redneck culture you have to give them simple statements that are easy to remember. Lines with some colorful punch to them are the best to stick in the memory. Sarah Palin has figured out that strategy and milks it every chance she gets.
The problem is that concrete thinkers are also very easy to fool with lies. The Republicans have figured out their lies work, especially woven well with plausible boogie man fears. Concrete thinkers can't separate fact from fiction and their emotions are easily riled. Then they get stuck on stubborn and it doesn't matter how many facts you put out there for them to see or read. They won't believe you because they already gave their allegiance to the liars who have told them what they want to hear, reaching them emotionally.
One of these days my Democrats will wake up and leave their ivory towers of Snobville and realize their thinking is just as small as the redneck culture. Learn a few new tricks, guys, and figure out how to reach out to the redneck culture. Concrete thinkers are terrified in the world and want reassurances everything will work out all right. They want to know you politicians and leaders actually know what you are doing and not stumbling your way through life. Come to think of it, the rednecks do have you on that one. After all, who wants to follow someone who is not so sure where they are going or how to go about it? Does that inspire confidence for you?
American Redneck Everything-But-The-Truth Politics - the Tea Party:
Owner of Fox Liar News For Rednecks Who Love Lies:
World Politics:
With a bought and paid for Supreme Court Chief Justice and other Republican Justices, they passed The Corruption Law FOR the Crooks Who Anonymously Contribute to Buy Our Politicians:
"Education" in America and Child Abuse:
Where a homosexual pedophile pastor runs a mega church in America, telling teenage boys that sex with him is part of their spiritual education. How warped can you get in abusing your authority with children?
Economy, Mortgage, Home Foreclosures, Credit Cards Crisis:
*** For more laughs check out this post:
Funny Situational Hunh?! Cartoons - 9 Oct 2010 - Check out some hilarious thoughts about how to approach life from this week of cartoonists.
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