From Denny: It's been a wild ride changing internet providers and I was off line for 10 days. I tell ya when you slow down to snail time it takes a while to gear back up to a fast pace. So, rather than try to catch up I've decided to round up what there is and not sweat what there isn't. Gee, can you tell I absorbed "Greek Time" when I visited Santorini several years ago? Greek Time is extremely slow, unhurried and a definite "I'll get around to it" attitude. :)
Recent Post Roundups:
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 22 Aug 2010
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 15 Aug 2010
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 8 Aug 2010
The Social Poets:
Who Will Be Prez Obamas Next Chief of Staff? - Check out the leading contenders who can make or break the Democratic agenda.
Middle East Peace, Koran Burning, Iraq War Cartoons - 11 Sept 2010 - The threatened burning of 200 Korans took center stage this week over the Middle East Peace process with the public and the cartoonists.
America and The Economy Cartoons - 11 Sept 2010 - America's economic sugar high is a rocky roller coaster ride that no one knows where it will go. Check out the latest cartoonist opinions.
The Understanding poem - Libations Friday 10 Sept 2010 - We build Peace in our lives a moment at a time - and this is a poem story of how it can start early in childhood as it did for me.
Call to Christians And Muslims Against Violence From Threat to Burn Koran - Phony Christian pastor incites international violence for threatening to burn the Koran.
Economy, America and World Politics Cartoons - 7 Sept 2010 - Check out this week's amusing cartoon commentary on our American politics.
Majority in Poll Say America Still Not Ready For Big Disasters - Our government has a long way to go to convince Americans it can handle large scale natural or man made disasters.
Roundup of Late Night Funnies - 23 Aug 2010 - Check out the latest jokes from late night comics this week, along with some of the most current cartoons and LOL funniest videos from the likes of Colbert and Stewart.
Funny Video: Stewart Rips Fox News Lies About Ground Zero Mosque - Comics have endless material ripped from true headlines, like Fox News creating controversy to keep from sinking lower in the news ratings.
Funny Video: Campy Bed Bug PSA - Leave it to Jon Stewart to ferret out the campiest PSA done on bedbugs.
Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 22 Aug 2010 - Check out news, political opinion, political humor and funny cartoons, recipes, science news, poetry, funny posts, photography, spiritual thoughts and great quotes.
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:
Ancient Healing Oil: Sandalwood - Modern technology life can be stressful and counter productive to spiritual growth. Try this essential oil to bring balance into your life.
Dennys Funny Quotes:
Prez Obama, Democrats, Trouble With Political Message Cartoons - 11 Sept 2010 - Cartoonists lampoon, and downright blast, the Democrats for doing a lousy job of getting out their message.
Funny Hunh?! Cartoons - 8 Sept 2010 - Check out this week's grinners to soothe your work week stress.
Funny Video: Bounty Mocks High School With Rap - Video: Bounty Brings It. Paper Towel Gang Keeps it Clean - great rap music video production for an ad.
Funny Work Cartoons - 23 Aug 2010 - Funny Work Cartoons - 23 Aug 2010
Visual Insights:
Dennys Photo Gallery: Swinging Good Fun! - Check out some wonderful photos from around the world validating how much we all have in common as children: we love to swing!
Arts: Fun Incredible Beach Art Photos - Check out the fun and funny creative designs for your latest version of the sand castle and sand art on your favorite beach.
Dennys Food and Recipes:
Celebrate: Yummy Southern Gulf Coast Shrimp and Crab Boil - Find out how easy it is to do your own shrimp and crab boil to celebrate the great seafood of the summer!
*** Coffee photo by Quoquo @ flickr (Brazil)
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*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor