Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Jon Stewart Lampoons Debt Ceiling Talks and Brainless Commentators: "From Denny: Only Michelle Bachmann, who is weirdly running for president, misspoke yet again. Obviously, her handler is not stuck to her like crazy glue for here is another bizarre gaffe. Who in the world doesn't know the Yiddish word for boldness? Jon Stewart goes off on her brainless commentary, probably with little ol' Jewish grannies in Florida nodding along with him in agreement.
Then there's Eric Cantor, who is in charge of the debt ceiling talks, so much so he acts like the Cock of the Walk. He loves to highlight on both Speaker Boehner and President Obama. He is an equal opportunity opportunist.
Obama finally threw up his hands in exasperation after Cantor kept interrupting Obama, three times no less, as he tried to end the meeting and schedule the next one. Will the real grown-up please stand up?"