Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Photo of college students circling a large scale reproduction painting by Titian
"Where do you find your energy? Is it from nature, work, friends, prayer, routine, discord, arguments, love, money? Where is your joy? If you feel stuck in a dead-end job or a dead-end relationship, look beyond.
Our lives are lived for tiny moments of recognition. We may recognize the story of our life from a photograph, a movie, a novel, a poem, a song, a symphony, a painting, or a child. Allow this recognition to connect you for a short time to your story on this blue and green rock.
We will not make an impression beyond our small window of existence. We will not change the relentless path of destruction and creation that is our nature. We will not see the far corners of our rock beyond our cubicle and kitchen. Our story will remain."
By Cailin Gallagher @ HubPages