Rupert Murdoch |
From Denny: This scandal of tabloid media despicable has so thoroughly disgusted the world that finally the British government is doing something about it. Hacking a dead soldier's email, hacking the phones of murdered teenagers and terrorist victims is heinous. What ever possessed these people to sink so low below the pond scum of humanity?
The reaction in the UK? Let's see, let me count the ways: Advertisers have pulled out, saying they will not return until after the investigations happen. The public is so fed up they have dropped subscriptions all across the country to the once popular newspaper. Politicians are jumping in front of cameras to get their denials on record. The police who also assisted this newspaper by accepting bribes are on the hot seat of investigations. Even the guy who helped propel current PM David Cameron into his national office is on the grill. The list goes on.
It's a three year scandal that just won't go away. In case you didn't know, the paper is owned by Hated-In-America media mogul Rupert Murdoch, owner of FOX News. Right about now a herd of Democrats are watching and wondering if it will adversely affect FOX News here in America. Could it be this easy? Could we finally be rid of the Liars News?
Currently, the newspaper in the UK, News Of The World, is folding up shop and going out of business. No advertisers, no subscriptions and loads of pending lawsuits have killed that business concern. Do not be surprised to witness the tabloid cockroaches rising again under a new name. There are already rumors of new names being floated around the web.
How low can you go? Keith and Michael Wolff, author of "The Man Who Owns the News: Inside the Secret World of Rupert Murdoch," dig deeper into how Murdoch's "News of the World' hacked into the account of a murdered schoolgirl's voicemail. Invading peoples' privacy is second-nature to Team Murdoch, but will blowback from this appalling incident do lasting damage to the S.S. News Corp?
Who in Rupert Murdoch's News Corp empire will pay the ultimate price for the phone-hacking scandal? The demise of News of the World may not be enough. Get Keith's take and further insight from Michael Wolff, journalist and author of "The Man Who Owns the News: Inside the Secret World of Rupert Murdoch."
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