From Denny: The fast pace of revolution is, well, why they call it a "revolution"! Events unfolding in Egypt are astounding to witness. The first few days of the week the protests were primarily peaceful with the exception of a few idiot looters.
In the early days the protesters called for Mubarek to step down immediately. Mubarek said "No!" but did dissolve his cabinet and created the first Vice President, a man of his own choosing, of course. The protesters were not well impressed and demanded Mubarek and his whole government leave. Mubarek was tired of his idea of concessions to the voice of his people.
Mubarek drew back the hated corrupt police force as a way to teach the people how much they needed him. That backfired. That act of depraved indifference for his people did not deter the protesters. Instead, they organized themselves in every neighborhood and created their own security task forces to guard themselves and their property.
Did I mention Mubarek also let loose thousands of violent prisoners, emptying them into the streets to terrorize the populace into submission? Then Mubarek closed down the internet and cell phone service which he later restored in a couple of days. He probably found out he couldn't run his own affairs without it.
Yesterday the protests turned violent with the odd addition of thugs on horses and camels riding into the protesters, swinging clubs and battering anyone they could. They especially went after foreign news crews with cameras to prevent the news from getting out of the country.
Clearly, Mubarek sent in those thugs in place of official police or the military. Who knows? Maybe those thugs are really plains clothes police who are afraid of what will happen to them if Mubarek does leave the country, abandoning them. That might explain the passion and the furor of which they fight because they may feel they are fighting for their own survival.
The Army refuses to fire upon the protesters, often joining in photo-ops and chants with them. Both the protesters and Mubarek have been competing for the loyalty of the Army. What's a ruthless dictator to do? Well, unleash every psychopath he can lay his hands on so he is not forced to let loose his 30 year grip on power.
If the protesters stand strong and fight back they will eventually win the day. A million protesters against a few hundred thugs will win in the end.
President Obama's response seems to be shifting and changing along with the situation. If Mubarek wants to live through this someone with a stronger will than Obama needs to convince this guy it's past due time to leave. Why not send a military man to talk to a military man?
And another question: Has Obama stopped the flow of foreign aid funds to Egypt yet? That's a reputed $1.3 BILLION I would hope so until we know who will be in office running the country. Otherwise, our hard-earned taxpayers funds may end up in some Swiss bank account with a Mubarek (secretly) named owner. I guess we don't have to worry about hunting it down. Surely, WikiLeaks will blast those secret accounts all over the internet. It's enough to make you want to hide your cashed paycheck under the mattress. :)
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