From Denny: What a week! Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has improved dramatically over the past two weeks since she was shot at a public meeting. Giffords still has a breathing tube down her throat so she is not able to speak yet. She speaks with her hands, her facial expressions, her eyes: her intent.
She also has a piece of skull bone flap missing that will be reintroduced later after the doctors are sure her brain is no longer swelling even a little bit. There is always the risk of infection for this kind of surgery so keep praying for her. Your prayers by the thousands are a testament as to her unusual and astounding recovery.
Rep. Giffords is out of critical care and been moved to Houston, Texas for the next phase of her rehabilitation. She is doing remarkably well, again surprising her doctors. With assistance she is now up on her feet briefly (good to keep the blood clots at bay). She will be relearning basic physical tasks we all take for granted every day we wake up in the morning. If anyone has the grit and determination to succeed it's this woman.
Meanwhile, other struggles go on in the world like in Tunisia where the grassroots people finally rid themselves of a corrupt government. Anyone feel like importing a horde of Tunisians to help us rid ourselves of Washington lobbyists? Works for me.
The struggle to survive goes on in Haiti as well. It is shameful how our own American Red Cross took millions of dollars and withheld over 75 percent from the Haitians. Instead the Red Cross is continuing its wrong practice like it did in the 911 emergency and Hurricane Katrina: keeping the majority of the monies for later emergencies rather than spending it on the cause for which it was donated.
guns in America:
the new political discourse Republican style
Gabrielle Giffords on the way to recovery:
political strategists continue to try to bamboozle the public:
Haiti one year later after the horrific earthquake:
Tunisian revolt that ousted a corrupt government:
social media and Big Business as buddies and as the old saying goes:
Friends are friends,
Pals are pals,
But buddies sleep together.
american economy:
european economy:
thought for the day:
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