From Denny: Talk about strange is as strange does. Glenn Beck decided to make a play for cult leader and martyr status by giving a speech on the same date (28 August) and same place on the Lincoln steps as the famous Dr. Martin Luther King did with his "I Have A Dream" speech. Looks like Beck had visions of grandeur.
Colbert: Besides the date, the location, the march and the threat of assassination, Glenn Beck's rally has nothing to do with Martin Luther King Jr.
Beck called it the Restore Honor rally. He and Fox News aka Liar News claimed that "well over 300,000 people attended." Liar liar, pants on fire. Actually, it was less than 85,000 - and all of them were bused in and paid to do it by Republican donors.
After Beck held his odd rally, attended by social misfits who needed their daily dose of being told what to think rather than think for themselves, it was Colbert's turn at the bat. The social site Reddit had a popular post calling for Colbert to hold his version of a Beck rally in answer. Of course, this heartfelt plea really rang Colbert's comedic ego chimes. Colbert calls his rally "Restore Truthiness."
Colbert has legions of enthusiastic fans on that annoying sell-your-privacy-to-the-highest-bidder social site Facebook. Be sure to be on the look out for "God Geese" T-shirts and coffee mugs for sale at your social site soon.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Glenn-Livid | ||||
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Roundup of Late Night Funnies - 14 Sept 2010 - Catch up on the latest comedic musings and amusements from Colbert, Stewart and late night show jokes, funny video clips and newest cartoons before they post for the week at other sites.
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