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29 November 2008

Recipe - Dennys MINI Louisiana Lyon Oven Pancake

Dennys MINI Louisiana Lyon Oven Pancake - Poets need to eat and we might as well eat well, right? Seriously, LEMON is a great intellectual stimulant and helps clear the cobwebs when you are feeling writers' block. If you are more the emotional poet and writer then forego the lemon and drizzle well with wonderful chocolate sauce to feed those emotions with happy chemicals! This size can be used for dessert or a small savory meal with a side of sausage or bacon. Possibilities are endless for such a versatile pancake! Enjoy! Only 200 calories BC (before chocolate).

By Denny Lyon

21 November 2008

Foods We Love to Hate: Knowing Why

Foods We Love to Hate: Knowing Why - Why do we hate certain foods? Have you ever considered what foods you hate and why you hate them? There may be more to it than finicky tastebuds. This is part one in a series of articles about food dislikes.
It does make a person wonder if we could resolve the mystery of food issues maybe we could resolve the need for war? How does that correlate? Scratching your head in confusion? The old saying is that an army runs on its stomach. If we could come to the proverbial table in agreement of and the sharing of great food maybe everyone would be in a better mood, more accepting of the other person and willing to listen to reason. Its amazing how a really good meal can change a person's attitude!

By Denny Lyon

Photo by Vin Crosbie @ flickr

15 November 2008

Photo: yoga and writing

How's your writing going? Are you at peak performance level? Writers' block? Try taking a nature walk to refresh and clear your head. Try a little yoga stretching to get the kinks out of your muscles from sitting too long at the computer.

Photo by Southbank Steve @ flickr

13 November 2008

Poem by Denny Lyon - Opposites in Love

Opposites in Love: Night and Day

Description: A woman who is a night owl marries her opposite. How do they reconcile living together? She likes to stay up all night. He goes to bed early to greet the sunrise!

Moon Photo by *L*u*z*a* @ flickr
Sunrise Photo by elbfoto @ flickr
Also included in the article Writing Love Poetry.


Opposites in Love: Night and Day

She loves the deep of night
He loves the new early morn

She greets the moon sky traveler
He greets the sun horizon surprising

She is early to bed, happily awake in the night
He is early to bed, quickly sound to sleep

She meditates; cat naps, and prays, waits to rise
He dozes, resting deep in melodious kind repose

She awaits the clock to three in the soft night
He ignores the clock until sleep is well done

She rises to cold October stars, sheltering secret regard
He sleeps on, oh, so warm, unaware yet sublime

She breathes freely the frosty night air
Eavesdropping to nature’s hushed breezes
Her cats, nocturnal two, merge softly purring
She gives a careful ear to his breathing still low
Noiseless, closing the open door to night’s chill

The silent trio walks out, farther, grass yielding as
The ancient moon climbs higher to greet old friends
Showering pale intense light, full moon aglow
Stars glistening, flash messages for her alone
Two hours she listens, advice streams from the sky
Serenity, the calm of night wraps tightly until dawn
Reluctant she sees the night is fading, returns to bed

Is it time to get up? Sleepily, eyes opening, he inquires
She lovingly smiles and says, the dawn comes to greet you
He returns her smile in slow agreement, turning off the alarm
Steaming mugs of coffee she gifts to warm their hands
She returns outside, by his side, He begins his day
She wistfully bids goodbye to the beauty moon and
He smiles and quietly shouts great joy within,
Together they drink in the moon retiring, dissolving away
It is the time of the sun walking in to reign over their new day.

By Denny Lyon
Copyright 21 October 2008

10 November 2008

Recipe - Chocolate Bread Pudding

Dennys Dark Chocolate Bread Pudding and Sauces

This recipe is not so rich, full of calories or excess sugar so you can savor the chocolate! Easy to mix up by hand. Great for holiday menus or the novice cook. Serves about 8 - 10.

This is my own version developed 9 November 2008.

Less rich version with a lot less sugar, exploding with enough chocolate flavor to drown in it!

The writing always goes better with... chocolate!

By Denny Lyon

06 November 2008

Quote: truest power in the world

“It's the artists and writers who sculpt the world into meaningfulness, for the greatest power is in transforming mindsets.”

- Denny Lyon 7 July 2008
Photo by POSITiv @ flickr

02 November 2008

Writing Love Poetry: Part 2

Illustrated here in the large arena of love poetry is an example employing an unusual angle and cheeky glance at romance writing.
A humorous poem is included called “The Interesting Man,” by Denny Lyon, 27 May 2008. article by Denny Lyon, 2 November 2008.
Photo by Abhi @ flickr
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