Rush Limbaugh - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey) |
From Denny: As Rush Limbaugh denies his advertisers are leaving like rats off a sinking ship, to date there are 49 companies, two radio stations and one advertising agency no longer willing to place ads with his show.
There are also some porn industry sites that have stepped up to support their fellow Pervert in Chief Limbaugh.
Check out the perverts stepping up to advertise on Limbaugh's show. Perverts support other perverts:
SeekingArrangement: bills itself as "the world's largest sugar daddy and sugar baby dating website."
Ashley Madison: online "dating" website "willing to step into the void left by other advertisers." And their company philosophy as stated on their site is "Life is too short. Have an affair."
Here is the amusing but desperate denial of Limbaugh about the fleeing advertisers: "Everything is fine on the business side. Everything's cool. There is not a thing to worry about. What you're seeing on television about this program and sponsors and advertisers is just incorrect."
Yeah? Below is first the list of those advertisers crazy enough to still advertise with him. The second list is the growing column of advertisers that have permanently left him or temporarily suspended their ads with his show. Even as I was compiling this post I had to constantly recheck to pull advertisers out of the "still advertising with Limbaugh" column and place them into the second one.
The world of Rush Limbaugh is changing that fast. Goodbye, Rush, it was nice not knowing you.
Companies still advertising with Rush Limbaugh:
A Place for Mom
ADT Security
AkinMears, G.P.
American Credit Card Solutions
Asbestos Trust Fund
Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the Ad Council
Concentra Vitamins
Exergen Temporal Thermometer
Eos Sleep
Raw-Nation (Hot Rawks)
Invent Help
Kars for Kids
Lear Capital (GoldCoinPro)
Heritage for the Blind
Medipattern Corporation
Merit Financial
New York City Office of Emergency Management, and the Ad Council
New York Lottery Powerball
NY Mint
Peerless Boilers
RightSize Smoothies
Small Business Authority in association with the Corporate Tax Network
UNCF, and the Ad Council
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the Ad Council
US Tax Shield
Wave Home Solutions
Wave Ventilation
VT Vapor E Cigarettes
Companies that have permanently pulled their ads or temporarily suspended ads from Rush Limbaugh's show:
* * * updated since post published: Aetna
AOL: At AOL one of our core values is that we act with integrity. We have monitored the unfolding events and have determined that Mr. Limbaugh’s comments are not in line with our values. As a result we have made the decision to suspend advertising on The Rush Limbaugh Radio show.
Bonobos, clothing maker, via the web: Looks like we were running on it, but we've told them to pull us from the show indefinitely.
Heart and Body Extract, herbal supplement maker
AllState: Allstate's advertising purchase strategy has not included the Rush Limbaugh Show. Earlier today, we responded to inquiries about our advertising relationship with the show by stating we did not advertise on or sponsor it. As radio listeners notified us that they were hearing Allstate ads during the show this afternoon, we contacted the vendor that arranges for our advertising placements and discovered that an error had been made and advertising time had mistakenly been purchased for the show. [...] We have asked our media buying firm to correct the error by discontinuing any advertising on the Rush Limbaugh Show moving forward in keeping with our original advertising plans and strategies.
AccuQuote, life insurance: AccuQuote has instructed our media agency to immediately pull all our advertising campaigns that support Rush Limbaugh. His recent comments do not reflect the values of AccuQuote.
NetFlix: Spotted your Boing Boing tweets and wanted to let you know that Netflix has not purchased and does not purchase advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show. We do buy network radio advertising and have confirmed that two Netflix spots were picked up in error as part of local news breaks during the Rush Limbaugh show. We have instructed our advertising agency to make sure that this error will not happen again.
Goodwill Industries: Goodwill is a non-partisan nonprofit organization. Public service announcements are not paid advertisements and should not be considered endorsements of a particular political or ideological point of view. The Goodwill public service announcement that aired on WMAL or other stations affiliated with the Rush Limbaugh show aired without Goodwill’s knowledge or consent. No further Goodwill public service announcements will be aired without our permission.
John Deere: Deere is reviewing the placement of these advertisements, as the company has not chosen to be a current advertiser.
J.C. Penney: It has come to our attention that a handful of local radio stations may have played jcpenney radio spots adjacent to or during The Rush Limbaugh Show. To be clear, jcpenney is not a national advertiser of this show. We have a strict “No Run” policy in place specifically regarding The Rush Limbaugh Show. After jcpenney confirms the facts, we will contact any local radio station that is in violation of our radio advertising parameters to ensure that our “No Run” policy is adhered to regarding this program.
Quicken Loans: Due to continued inflammatory comments– along w/valuable feedback from clients & team members – QL has suspended ads on Rush Limbaugh program.
Sleep Train, mattress retailer: Thanks to all of you for your concern and input. We are currently pulling all ads with Rush Limbaugh.
Sleep Number, mattress retailer: Recent comments by Rush Limbaugh do not align w/our values, so we made decision to immediately suspend all advertising on that program.
LegalZoom, online legal document services: LegalZoom has suspended all advertising on the Rush Limbaugh show.
Freedom Debt Relief: We are indeed pulling all ads from Rush Limbaugh. Obviously Mr. Limbaugh's comments are inconsistent with the Freedom values that we hold in high regard. Freedom Debt Relief buys a wide array of media, and does not buy radio media directly. Consequently, Freedom does not directly sponsor Rush Limbaugh, we were however advertising with many radio stations and our advertisements aired at their discretion.
Tax Resolution
Sensa Weight Loss: Rush Limbaugh’s comments are not in line with SENSA values so we are pulling our ads indefinitely which shud be down in the next couple days.
Bare Escentuals, mineral makeup: We've taken steps to ensure that our radio ads do not air on this program.
Vitacost: Mr. Limbaugh's unsettling comments are not in line with our values, and we've decided to remove our advertising from the program.
Hadeed Carpet: As of this past weekend, ALL our #rushlimbaugh commercial spots have been PULLED. We do not support his inexcusable words/beliefs.
Thompson Creek Windows: We have requested our ads be pulled from his show.
PolyCom: Polycom had no intention to run ads on Rush Limbaugh Show. We’ve taken action to discontinue ads. See
Service Magic: ServiceMagic has requested to remove our advertisements on the Rush Limbaugh radio show. Read full statement
Aquarium of the Pacific
St. Vincent’s Medical Center: Dear friends of St. Vincent's Medical Center: St. Vincent's Medical Center has directed WABC to withdraw our advertisements from the Rush Limbaugh show. Mr. Limbaugh's recent derogatory comments regarding an individual testifying before Congress are not acceptable.
Bethesda Sedation Dentistry: Bethesda Sedation Dentistry is happy to join the fight! Effective immediately, we will pull our Rush ads.
Cascades Dental: Mr. Limbaugh’s comments are inconsistent with the values of our practice. We have canceled all our advertising on his show.
Philadelphia Orchestra: We’ve asked WPHT not to air our ads on the Rush show while we evaluate the situation-we buy ads across CBSPhilly, not ads on specific shows.
Heart & Body Extract
Downeast Energy: Downeast Energy has WGAN take ads off Limbaugh - "that it did not want its ads running during the show, citing Limbaugh's pattern of making inflammatory statements that do not align with the company's values.
Capitol One Bank: "We have reiterated our advertising choices to our media partners. If an ad did run, it was not authorized by us, and we do not want it to happen again.”
JCPenney: It has come to our attention that a handful of local radio stations may have played jcpenney radio spots adjacent to or during The Rush Limbaugh Show. To be clear, jcpenney is not a national advertiser of this show. We have a strict “No Run” policy in place specifically regarding The Rush Limbaugh Show. After jcpenney confirms the facts, we will contact any local radio station that is in violation of our radio advertising parameters to ensure that our “No Run” policy is adhered to regarding this program.
Matrix Direct: #MatrixDirect does not buy ads on #Limbaugh show. Some ads are placed on the show as filler without our knowledge. We’ve told them to stop.
Reputation Rhino: Our reputation is our most important asset. Reputation Rhino has not and does not purchase advertising on The...
Consolidated Credit: Consolidated Credit fully supports the nationwide outcry against the gravely inappropriate comments Mr. Limbaugh made regarding Ms. Sandra Fluke. As a result, we have instructed our vendors to cease the running of all our advertisements on the Rush Limbaugh program. Please note that we were unaware until it was brought to our attention by the community that Consolidated Credit’s radio advertisements were being aired on this program as they are placed by a third-party agency on a rotating basis. We do not buy airtime on the Rush Limbaugh program.
Constant Contact: We believe that Rush Limbaugh’s recent statements about law student Sandra Fluke were both inappropriate and disrespectful, and we decided to pull our advertising on his program. Constant Contact is committed to upholding the highest standards of honest, ethical conduct – across all of our business activities.
RSVP Discount Beverage, Maine company: We are in the process of having our ads moved due to the recent controversy surrounding The Rush Limbaugh show.
Cunningham Security: Maine security firm
Regal Assets: We cannot even begin to understand how Sandra Fluke feels regarding the recent attacks by Rush Limbaugh, but everyone at Regal Assets wants to let Sandra Fluke know that we stand by her side in full support.
O'Reilly Auto Parts: Advertising on Mr. Limbaugh's program was not part of our 2012 advertising plans and any ads that may have run did so in error. We've instructed our media buying agency to immediately correct any of these mistakes so that our radio advertising campaign is in keeping with our original plans.
* * * updated since post published - Norway Savings Bank: Norway Savings Bank does not agree with or support any of Rush Limbaugh's comments made last week. Our advertising reservations were made last November with the agreement that we would run 35 commercials per week on the radio station. With this type of commitment, ads run at random throughout the day, which means that we did not pre-select any of the programming. Our ad commitment was made to the particular radio station, and not to the Rush Limbaugh Show. The opinions of any media outlet - whether on radio, TV or newspaper - are solely the opinions of the specific media outlet and not those of Norway Savings Bank, its employees or its affiliates. Please note: We have requested that our ads not air during his show.
* * * updated since post published - Portland Ovations: Thank you for your messages about Portland Ovations advertising that recently ran during the Rush Limbaugh program on WGAN. Portland Ovations is not a local sponsor of this show and has requested that Portland Ovations advertising be removed from within and around this program. Back in January we purchased run-of-station advertising, which is placed at the station’s discretion. We are grateful to WGAN for heeding our request. We thank our Members and patrons for sharing their opinions on this matter. It’s a prime example of the active, engaged community in which we are all so fortunate to live, work and play.
* * * updated since post published - Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington: “Our decision to pull our advertising is due to the fact that current programming does not align with the Girl Scout mission. We were unaware at the time of purchase that our commercials would air during the program.”
An advertising agency now refuses to place ads for their clients on Rush Limbaugh show:
PageOne Advertising, LLC based in Youngstown, Ohio: No woman, including Ms. [Sandra] Fluke, should ever be subject to the type of insults and vitriol broadcast during ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’ last week, and no individual or business should wish to be associated with this type of irresponsible behavior,” wrote PageOne President Robert Roach in a letter to the company’s clients, which are primarily based in eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania.
Radio Stations that have dropped Rush Limbaugh's show:
KPUA AM 670 in Hilo, Hawaii: Chris Leonard, President and General Manager of New West, said, Limbaugh’s recent attacks on Sandra Fluke “crossed a line of decency.” “Regardless of one’s political views on the issue being discussed,” Leonard explained, “we feel the delivery was degrading and the continued comments over several days to be egregious. As a result, we are discontinuing the Rush Limbaugh program on KPUA effective immediately.”
WBEC 1420 in Pittsfield, Massachusetts: WBEC's General Manager Peter Barry says his station hadn't yet lost any local advertisers as a result of Rush's comments, and no more than a handful of callers had voiced complaints. But he says over the years he and station staff have grown increasingly uncomfortable with Limbaugh's rhetoric. "The nature of Rush's programming has always presented challenges for us and he's always pushed the envelope. But this time he's taken it too far."
Check out Rush Limbaugh's nauseating biography. It's no wonder he is a Hate Merchant as he was indoctrinated into the hate philosophy early in life.

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