Image by jamesomalley via Flickr |
From Denny: As the 2012 election gears up to wear out the American public this month and for the next year nonstop, I thought I'd remind my fellow media guys - and now President Obama - just how bad they often look when giving their opinions, especially of their own accomplishments. It really is the season of having to endure more delusional smug political propaganda from both sides of the aisle.
Tis the season of the cartoonish political pundit, spouting off silly opinions that rarely ever come true but sure makes for funny entertainment. This pastel drawing is a classic of mine. It was drawn when George Bush 43 began his campaign for president back in 1998.
The Repbulicans tout how they are gods we the voters are supposed to bow down and worship. You see, they keep their message pretty simple: Worship me; get nothing and like it.
The Democratic hacks of Axelrod and Plouffe are now pushing Obama to get out there and look absolutely ridiculous with his latest claim to fame. Get this, on an interview for "60 Minutes" President Obama claimed to be "the fourth best president" of America. He ranks himself up there with Abraham Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
“I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln — just in terms of what we’ve gotten done in modern history,” Obama told CBS’s Steve Kroft.
Come on, don't get me started on the list of weak policies of asking the Big Banks and Wall Street to please police themselves as to their greedy practices and outright corruption while the Obama camp takes their campaign money in truck loads.
Then there are the Big Business lapdogs known as Congress, the White House, the FTC, the SEC and the Attorney General. Read that as none of these guys have prosecuted the crooks. The Obama White House specializes in slaps on the wrist, federal employees watching porn on the job and only small civil penalty fines, absolutely zero criminal prosecution.
Worse, Obama actually thinks a $25 billion settlement with the mortgage companies is a big deal. What that amounts to is a pittance for the wronged homeowners who only receive a mere $1500 for their suffering. A small claims court would award more than that insult.
It's a good thing that the judge refused the settlement, saying the corruption stinks so badly it must be addressed instead of swept under the rug. Put on your Big Boy Pants, Big Banks, you were so cheap with the people you wronged that now it's time for you to go straight to jail.
Tis the season of the cartoonish political pundit, spouting off silly opinions that rarely ever come true but sure makes for funny entertainment. This pastel drawing is a classic of mine. It was drawn when George Bush 43 began his campaign for president back in 1998.
The Repbulicans tout how they are gods we the voters are supposed to bow down and worship. You see, they keep their message pretty simple: Worship me; get nothing and like it.
The Democratic hacks of Axelrod and Plouffe are now pushing Obama to get out there and look absolutely ridiculous with his latest claim to fame. Get this, on an interview for "60 Minutes" President Obama claimed to be "the fourth best president" of America. He ranks himself up there with Abraham Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
“I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln — just in terms of what we’ve gotten done in modern history,” Obama told CBS’s Steve Kroft.
Come on, don't get me started on the list of weak policies of asking the Big Banks and Wall Street to please police themselves as to their greedy practices and outright corruption while the Obama camp takes their campaign money in truck loads.
Then there are the Big Business lapdogs known as Congress, the White House, the FTC, the SEC and the Attorney General. Read that as none of these guys have prosecuted the crooks. The Obama White House specializes in slaps on the wrist, federal employees watching porn on the job and only small civil penalty fines, absolutely zero criminal prosecution.
Worse, Obama actually thinks a $25 billion settlement with the mortgage companies is a big deal. What that amounts to is a pittance for the wronged homeowners who only receive a mere $1500 for their suffering. A small claims court would award more than that insult.
It's a good thing that the judge refused the settlement, saying the corruption stinks so badly it must be addressed instead of swept under the rug. Put on your Big Boy Pants, Big Banks, you were so cheap with the people you wronged that now it's time for you to go straight to jail.
Election pundits have this bad habit of acting like they are listening. The reality is they are only listening for opportunities to advance their agendas or their candidate. They don't listen to the voters. Lots of show like the expensive shirts and fancy ties but an empty head for real solutions to real problems. Yes, election pundits are just a bunch of hot air escaping up into the ozone like a big bad space fart.
Click on the election pundit cartoon and it will take you to my flickr page where you can get the embed code for your blog or website to share it. Spread the love. :) Get revenge on all the annoying political ads we are about to get barraged with, along with endless political interviews we don't want to see.
Here's just the short clip of his claim to fame:
Here's the full unedited interview that was only available online:
Interview with President Obama: The full transcript
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