Dennys Links

17 November 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: Fav Funny Ad: GEICO Night Vision Goggle Antelopes


Dennys Funny Quotes: Fav Funny Ad: GEICO Night Vision Goggle Antelopes: From Denny:  GEICO car insurance has the best ad guys.  This one is of two well-armed antelopes using their night vision goggles to spot Carl the Lion sneaking up on them.  They taunt and mock Carl as so not cool and suggest he go vegan.  See what Carl does...

If you live in America you've probably seen this ad.  But if you are an expat or live in Canada or Europe this is a great way to catch up on the latest funnies in the culture.  Big Hello! to military all over the world.  Enjoy!

Retro Halloween Cat iPhone 5 Case

Check out the beautiful envy of the neighborhood, a retro Halloween cat