Dennys Links

16 November 2012

A Truth Journal: CIA Petraeus Scandal: What New Lies Is He Telling About His Affair?

Top: Paula Broadwell with back to camera talks to Petraeus.

A Truth Journal: CIA Petraeus Scandal: What New Lies Is He Telling About His Affair?: From Denny:   Gen. David Petraeus has been found to have gamed the time line of his affair.  He claims the affair ended four months ago in the summer.  If that is true then why is he seen with Paula Broadwell at the premier status and very close knit intelligence community dinner of the OSS Society?

The only people invited to that event are former or current CIA directors, top level military and those with ties to the WWII era predecessor of the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).

Paula Broadwell is not and never has been a top level military commander, has zero ties to WWII,  the French Resistance, the OSS or even the CIA - except for sleeping with the CIA Director Petraeus.  Oh wait, she is guilty of shameless social climbing, home wrecking, name dropping, getting kicked out of Harvard's doctoral program and gossiping in public speeches sensitive and classified information.  Yes, that.