From Denny: The latest stupidity from the so-called GOP Intellectual Corner comes from talk show host Rush Limbaugh labeling women as sluts and prostitutes for taking birth control. His current insult is his constant railing against any woman who stands up for her rights.
From his point of view, "How dare women think they are allowed to be first class citizens in their own country? Why should women be allowed to make their own decisions, especially about birth control?"
OK, that was the polite version. This guy is as nutty as Glenn Beck that went into a slow motion dive of a psychotic breakdown on TV. It went on for months. Must we all be witness to the same losing his mind process of watching Limbaugh implode? He should be taken off the air and quickly. His mind is already cooked.
Limbaugh sounds just as ridiculous and as hostile and hating toward women as Glenn Beck. Why any woman votes Republican is a mystery as she is basically announcing to the world she hates herself and considers herself not worthy to make a decision, whether about her health or her vote.
In fact, any woman that dares to speak against Limbaugh is instantly labeled as a "Femi-Nazi." This guy is such a pathetic wimp. He couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag if his life depended upon it. He isn't tough enough to fight with a man so he abuses women. Yeah, he's a real prince if you like creeps like him.
Limbaugh is the darling of the GOP and they fear him, his influence with 20 million creepy listeners. As a fav relative used to say, "Not all the crazy people are locked up."
So, to date as Limbaugh continues to hurl unfounded character assassinations and insults toward all American women, especially a young female law student by the name of Sandra Fluke, the Republican Party remains mute. They are a bunch of wimps unwilling to tell him to stand down and that he is completely out of line.
Check it out as he claims all women are sluts for choosing birth control. Then he delivers his most perverted line where he demands all women that take birth control take videos of themselves having sex and send it in to him since he thinks he and others who help pay for their birth control should "get something out of it." Sounds like voyeurism to me. What a pervert.
And, while I'm on the subject, it's time for President Obama and all other Democrats to take a stand for women and chastise this perverted ass hole. Enough is enough. Or don't women have civil rights in America?
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