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03 May 2011
Funny Obama at White House Correspondents Dinner
From Denny: First the President starts off with how the state of Hawaii finally released his long form birth certificate to shut up The Birther crowd. He said he also decided to release the actual footage of his birth, never before seen in the past 50 years, not even by him.
Cue up the African music playing for his birth. When imaginary video ends, he says, "I want to make clear to the Fox News table that this video was a joke." Yeah, good move, Mr. President. These guys are suckers for satire sites.
Turns out it was music from a Disney movie and not his live birth footage. Just saying.
Obama moved on to criticism he is "too professorial." So, he told the crowd he was assigning them some reading to draw their own conclusions.
Others say he is arrogant so he has found a great self-help tool for this: his poll numbers.
Obama says celebrities are his core group of supporters. He likes Matt Damon but Damon had commented publicly he is "disappointed in Obama's performance." Well, Matt, says Obama, I just saw "The Adjustment Bureau" so I can say "Right back atcha, buddy!"
Where Obama got the most laughs and applause is when he went after Donald Trump. After roasting Trump on the belittling pit, Trump wanted to crawl up under the table and hide but soldiered through with a weak grin, trying to shrug it off.
The best part of the video is toward the end where the best satire takes over as Obama rolls out yet another video of how he lost his speaking mojo and teleprompter: "The President's Speech." Then the video goes on with fun hip clips about VP Joe Biden and his great ability to speak without a teleprompter. Really cute. You will enjoy it. Take a look:
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