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05 May 2011

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations: Mothers Day Quotes: Rose Kennedy

Beautiful Illustrated Quotations: Mothers Day Quotes: Rose Kennedy: "From Denny: When you are looking for inspiration in tough times and wondering how to get through the trials of being a mother, look no further than to Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. Her life often played out like an intense soap opera. She experienced the deaths of several of her children before their time, of which two were political assassinations. She lost her first son to war. Her husband cheated on her and yet she remained committed to the marriage.

Rose Kennedy was one tough lady you could not help but admire. She looked at her children as powerhouses that would influence others and change the world. And change the world they did. One even became president: John F. Kennedy.

No matter how dark times looked she looked up to God and kept her faith. She also kept her great sense of humor for she was a very intelligent woman greatly interested in social issues. She believed in a life of public service and remained steadfast in her beliefs and her commitments to others until the day she left this earth."