Dennys Links

17 January 2011

Political Discourse American Style: Cartoons - 17 Jan 2011

Check out the gun cartoons and how cartoonists view political discourse in America.

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords

From Denny:  At the moment, most politicians seem to have gotten the message that the public is not happy with the toxic political atmosphere.  Now will someone please inform the media to also tone it down?

There are calls to gun reform in America and it's about time.  How comforting is it to know that your neighbor owns 20 assault weapons and high capacity gun clips among other "goodies"?  Hunters don't require assault weapons they just need a rifle.  Taking an assault weapon to a deer hunt is like taking dynamite to a fishing party.

Why does America continue to allow Big Business and the National Rifle Association to own our politicians, compromising our everyday safety?  The NRA and Big Business are in The Business of Selling Fear in order to make billions of dollars annually, talk about depraved indifference.  The NRA and Big Business have repeatedly fought any kind of gun reform, especially in the area of selling to the mentally ill.  There should be psychological profile tests people have to take before being allowed to own guns - and periodic retesting every year or so.

There should be a national limit as to how many guns a person can own or sell.  As it is there is a brisk trade of Americans buying guns and reselling them to the million man army of drug cartels in Mexico.  Those guns are used to kill thousands of innocent Mexican citizens, police and military opposing the drug cartels.  Now those same guns are coming back over our border states and killing our police and citizens.  When will it end?  When will anyone stir up the political will and courage to address this insanity?

American style of toxic political discourse that has been going on for 30 years now, reaching a crescendo when Rep. Giffords was shot in the head at a public open-air political meeting with her constituents:

Steve Sack

Chan Lowe

Jeff Stahler

Steve Breen

Steve Breen

Christina Green, age 9, was her class president and the only girl on the boys baseball team. She was killed at the Giffords political meeting. She was interested in politics and went to view her American democracy in action:

Steve Benson

The American Economy of The New Great Depression:

Jeff Stahler

Nick Anderson

Steve Kelley

Steve Benson

Congresswoman Giffords survived a point blank range shot to her head and is still responding well to her doctors:

Steve Benson

Republicans still working to repeal health care for all of America:

Steve Sack

Gary Varvel

Lisa Benson

Gary Varvel

Steve Breen

I love this silly cartoon play on words - and ideas...

Mike Luckovich

Arrogance of the current Congress:

Chip Bok

Signe Wilkinson

Signe Wilkinson

Paul Szep

Paul Szep

Chan Lowe

Chan Lowe

Arrogance of a past Congress: former Republican Speaker of the House finally goes to jail if only for three years:

Dan Wasserman


Chip Bok

Dan Wasserman

Dan Wasserman

Chip Bok

Republicans have got it stuck in their heads they don't have any free speech rights. They parade around with their opinion signs in political rallies, post their opinions on Twitter and Facebook and give opinionated interviews - completely devoid of the true facts - on Fox News - but hey they don't have free speech?

Dan Wasserman

Paul Szep

Paul Szep

Big Business as usual:

Bruce Beattie

Clay Bennett

The economic recovery of America:

Gary Varvel

Clay Bennett

The economic recovery of Haiti:

Steve Sack

The shame of not dealing with immigration in America:

Steve Breen

Thought for the day:

Robert Ariail

Mike Luckovich

Nick Anderson

Nick Anderson

Happy Martin Luther King Day:

Henry Payne

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