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16 January 2011

37 Guns Issue and Tucson Shooting Cartoons

Check out how cartoonists drew their opinions about the Tucson tragedy that occurred only last weekend.

From Denny: The Tucson tragedy is a lot to process. So much violence happened at once. How anyone in the media can say that toxic political discourse for the past 30 years in America had nothing to do with helping to unhinge a mentally unstable young man are foolish to say so. This young man has never known civil political discourse in his life time. Every day conservative radio talk show hosts issue threats "calling for those liberals, those Democrats to die" and "put 'em in the cross hairs, yeah, put a bulls eye target on their faces." At some point these vociferous political profiteers - who are nothing but toxic entertainment - must accept their roles and responsibility here.

The good things that have come out of this tragedy are quite something to behold. Courage was displayed by those under fire. Forgiveness was given to the parents by the wounded. The life of a child was held up to us to raise our sights to do as well with our lives. Politicians held public meetings with their constituents to honor fallen Rep. Giffords still in the hospital, now upgraded from critical condition to serious. The town of Tucson is pulling together to mourn and remember and be one voice of choosing to now argue their politics in a civil manner while disagreeing. A lot of good has come out of all this evil for one reason: Because so very many people chose to rise above this wrong and chose to honor and respect one another.

The President has been criticized by the conservatives for taking advantage of this situation. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I have no qualms about criticizing this White House when they require it but in this situation the critics are wrong. President Obama struck the right tone with his speech and he and the First Lady did right by visiting the wounded in the hospital right before the memorial service. Obama is correct about dealing with toxic political discourse and it's high time the country listen to his plea for America to do better.

Tucson shooting:

Rob Rogers

Rob Rogers

Bill Day

Nick Anderson

Steve Benson

Gary Varvel

Bruce Beattie

Jerry Holbert

Bruce Beattie

Ed Stein

Gary Varvel

Chip Bok

Chip Bok

Nick Anderson

Clay Bennett

When the President and First Lady came to comfort Arizona:

Steve Benson

Sarah Palin who started this violent mess by placing bullseye targets on various Democrat politicians like Giffords. Palin now claims she is the real victim here because of the public outrage and backlash against her. That is some twisted perverted thinking from Palin:

Steve Benson

Mike Luckovich

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords who survived a shot to the brain while meeting with her constituents in a public parking lot:

Steve Benson

Steve Benson

Jeff Stahler

Republican poisonous rhetoric politics. They refuse to own their lies. It's one thing to press your case vociferously if it's true, quite another if you are pushing lies and propaganda:

Bill Day

Steve Sack

Steve Sack

Lisa Benson

Dan Wasserman

Steve Kelley

Clay Bennett

Lisa Benson

Ed Stein

Robert Ariail

And then there is the media's responsibility not to incite violence of which Fox News in particular is so very fond of doing:

Lisa Benson


And where is Congress in all this business about violence, rhetoric and gun control issues?

Mike Luckovich

Mike Luckovich

Jeff Stahler

And the thought for the day:

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