Dennys Links

15 May 2010

BP Oil Spill Funny Political Cartoons - 15 May 2010

Photo by I'm Fantastic @ flickr

From Denny: Considering the possible magnitude of this environmental disaster for years to come, BP has not been forth-coming on a lot of truths. Just this week NBC reported how they are only trying to clean up 1% of the spilled oil. BP has been flooded with calls to help with the clean up yet refuse to take the calls. Sure looks like their strategy is if they sign any contracts for clean up they will be required to pay upon completion. They are trying to foot drag their out of pocket immediate expenses and tie up the American government in court for decades to avoid their fiscal responsibility.

Mr. President, might I suggest that you begin nationalizing BP holdings in America? Or how about suspending their right to do business in America until they fess up and do right by throwing billions of dollars at the clean up right now - not later and only if their arms are twisted into submission? How about freezing their American accounts until further notice? BP is just playing games with you and the American public. They are not serious about truly fixing the problem.

Of course, on the lighter side of humor, Colbert had some choice words for what BP is doing about clean up. Have I got a funny video link for you...! :) Check out the finger pointing cartoons.

*** ALSO related to today's funny news and funny political opinion post:

Terrorism and Times Square, Immmigration Cartoons - 15 May 2010

Hunh? Funny Political Cartoons 15 May 2010

World Economy Political Cartoons - 15 May 2010

Supreme Court Nominee Political Cartoons - 15 May 2010

Funny Wall Street Political Cartoons - 15 May 2010

Funny Video: Colbert On BP Oil Containment - No One Knows What The Flock They're Doing

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