Dennys Links

14 November 2009

This Weeks Editorial Cartoons 14 Nov 2009

From Denny: A lot going on this week in the news and a wide variety of responses from cartoonists. Health care reform commentary dominated. The GOP is still embroiled in a long-running identity crisis, President Obama still agonizes over decisions about which way to take the Afghanistan War. The tragic Fort Hood shootings happened when an Army psychiatrist experienced a psychotic break and went rogue wounding or killing 60 people. There are a few lighter ones like the Thanksgiving one from Marmaduke and the Mickey Mouse new image. These cartoons really are like a snapshot in time for American culture.

Some feeble attempts from the GOP to reinvigorate their party, putting a new face on it if you will... :)

Health care reform and pending legislation:

Fort Hood shootings:

Obama and tough choices on the Afghanistan War. I can help; get the hell outta there, Mr. President! It isn't your war.

Only one on Veterans Day:

Something a bit lighter in tone for the Thanksgiving season:

Disney decides to revamp the Mickey Mouse image to something cooler:

One last take on health care reform. Yes, I support Speaker Pelosi. You have to take what reform you can cobble together and then send it out into the world. Whining about what you want doesn't move us any closer to reform. Besides, the biggest whiners are those who are unrealistic and seem to forget that the Senate changes any legislation anyway. That's what Senator Ted Kennedy was all about. What the people need to do is write their Senators and bombard them with how they desire the bill to finalize!

Mainly, this cartoon just made me laugh. Pelosi did the best she could get and then cuts and runs for her life, pretty funny!

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