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13 November 2009

Reflections of That Moment - Libations Friday! 13 Nov 2009

From Denny: With all the tough news and stories of personal tragedies lately - and the stress people are feeling that goes with it - I thought this kind of poem needed a voice today. Friday the 13th is often associated with bad luck and with the economy the way it is there has been a domino effect happening to people because of it.

Tough things happen to us or those close to us in Life and we struggle to regain our balance. Whether it's a job loss or loss of a loved one, there is a grieving process we experience. It's important for yourself and those close to you that you embrace and flow with those emotional waves on your journey, trusting you will arrive at a better place. You will be pleasantly surprised at what awaits you.

Photo by Paraflyer @ flickr

Reflections of That Moment

Days of Remembrance always place us in a thoughtful mood…

For thousands of years humanity has marked special days of mourning to remember.

We reflect upon a fateful day when we heard the sad news someone died.

Photo by visualdensity @ flickr

It was a hard knock on the door, shocking our reverie, causing us to fear what came next.

Perhaps the doctor called from the hospital or it was a phone call from a weeping friend.

The one who left us was a member of our family, a neighbor or someone we knew from school years.

Perhaps their lives were cut short in our estimation and their passing made no sense at the time.

Photo by jurek d. @ flickr

Perhaps their lives of service as soldiers or as family, especially in the family of mankind took on a new acute importance with their passing away from our lives.

Perhaps if the one who left us too soon was a child, then we cannot see past the pain to live with only a memory.

Photo by Darwin Bell @ flickr

We wonder about their bad luck or ours, sometimes feeling guilty we survived when they did not, like in the battle of war or from a car accident or illness.

We wonder inside ourselves; we wonder aloud to friends who have wondered the same.

And as we grieve, we come to think again of Life is maybe not all it originally seemed.

Is there more? Do our loved ones, friends and neighbors still live beyond memories in our hearts?

When our thoughts begin to lay down the grieving and take up the wondering about what lies ahead, we slowly regain our balance.

Photo by andrecarol @ flickr

A smiling thought creeps into our minds from who knows where, “I wonder what they are doing right this minute? Are they having fun?”

It’s at that moment we are connected again to our loved one, though differently than before.

For while we grieved and drowned in the abyss of dark emotions we could not feel the connection.

When we chose to climb out of the abyss it was there we were greeted with new understanding and again felt our strong connection.

Photo by Anderson Mancini @ flickr

Our loved one had been waiting to greet us once more, assuring us all is well.

Denny Lyon
Copyright 11 November 2009
Veterans Day - 11 AM
All Rights Reserved

Photo Credits

Butterfly in hand Photo by Paraflyer @ flickr

Door handle Photo by visualdensity @ flickr

Blue door Photo by jurek d. @ flickr

Blue face Photo by Darwin Bell @ flickr

Opening window Photo by andrecarol @ flickr

Beach Photo by Anderson Mancini @ flickr

*** Thanks for visiting and have a safe weekend. Come back often! :)