Dennys Links

10 October 2014

A Truth Journal: GOP AND Hillary 2016: Get Serious Or Step Aside, Middle Class Is Fed Up

A Truth Journal: GOP AND Hillary 2016: Get Serious Or Step Aside, Middle Class Is Fed Up:

From Denny:  Voters for the Democrats, and Republicans alike, are looking all around for a political leader who will, well, lead.  Fourteen years of unadulterated insensitivity and outright political inaction geared toward the majority of the country have all combined to create a ground swell of bitter resentment and grousing that hasn't been seen in decades in this country against both political parties, especially the Republicans.

The Middle Class is fed up with insincere speeches on economic progress, the drumbeat to go to war with ground troops yet again in the Middle East and lame political platitudes on every domestic issue. The Middle Class is disgusted and angry with Wall Street hand holding.  Voters of both political parties are angry with the gentle wrist slapping of cheap fines for business crimes instead of jail time.  Most of all The Middle Class is furious at the overt Good Ol' Boy Winks of government collusion that continues to create an environment of a stagnant U. S. economy and the constant evaporation of well paying jobs in favor of feeding The Beast of Greedy Corporate Profits while starving the people...

Geaux Wear Pink! Men's Fitted T-Shirt (dark)

Help support breast cancer awareness and hope for the cure!

Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!  Currently, proceeds go to Greater BR Food Bank and St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

Also, please remember that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, keeping these women in your thoughts and prayers.  Here's my latest Denny Lyon Gifts design (at Cafe Press) to honor all the fabulous women and their supporters fighting this disease.

This design first started off as one of my photos of those favorite hot pink azalea blooms, in addition to many other filters, employing a kaleidoscope filter to create this abstract medallion effect. This design reminds me of how our beauty is always there, no matter what form it takes.  Of course, here in Louisiana, we take creative "French" license with English spellings. :)  The thought bubble is to remind others to support these women on their journey to wellness.  Lots of other styles of t-shirts and other products to enjoy too.  The link takes you to the page of all the products featuring this design.  Thanks for visiting!

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* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!

* Check out Dennys News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food - a place where all my 24 blogs link so you can choose from among the latest posts all in one place. A free to read online newspaper from independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon. *