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11 April 2014

A Truth Journal: Ukraine Occupation: Putin Rejects Peace, Release Crippling Sanctions

Vladimir Putin - Caricature
Vladimir Putin - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

A Truth Journal: Ukraine Occupation: Putin Rejects Peace, Release Crippling Sanctions: From Denny:  While Russia's government is held hostage by the Russian crime syndicate, it's the head crime boss thug, Putin, who continues to threaten weaker countries like Ukraine, Moldova, Estonia and Bulgaria.

World leaders actually believe they are negotiating with another head of state - when nothing could be farther from the truth.

What world leaders are negotiating with is a crime boss whose wealth profits come from the misery of the vilest of newer more potent drugs, arms dealing that enables genocide like in Syria, prostitution of little children and the slavery of human trafficking.  Yes, the Russian crime syndicate's human trafficking is operating in your home town right here in America and around the world...

Magic Coffee Fonts Modern Wall Clock

Magic Coffee Fonts Modern Wall Clock

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