Dennys Links

27 October 2013

A Truth Journal: Fantasy Fool Running NSA? Just How Seriously Whacko Is NSA Chief Gen. Alexander? Answer: Very.

NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland.

A Truth Journal: Fantasy Fool Running NSA? Just How Seriously Whacko Is NSA Chief Gen. Alexander? Answer: Very.: From Denny:  At the rate the NSA cyber punks are going they will have the entire world and all of America confused as to who is the real enemy:  the NSA or the nebulous terrorists.  This self-important loony tune NSA Chief Gen. Keith Alexander should never have been installed as NSA Chief in the first place.  Just how did this guy pass his psych evaluation anyway?  Are the Pentagon and the IC (intelligence community) that bad at taking a close look at the people they install as leaders for any project that can literally affect the lives of billions of people on the planet?  Come on; really?!...

NSA Spyware Sold Here Men's Fitted T-Shirt (dark)

NSA Spyware Sold Here mocks the latest intrusion into the private lives of the world's 7 billion people.