Dennys Links

11 September 2013

A Truth Journal: Syrian War Intervention: Polls And Russia Step Into The Breach

sailor protest syria

A Truth Journal: Syrian War Intervention: Polls And Russia Step Into The Breach: From Denny:  Well, it's official; Americans see no positive end game in Syria.  Americans refuse to go to war yet again in the Middle East.  Because people all over the world are in agreement with the American people, suddenly Congress and this President are in a political quandary.

Politicians know going against the majority in America means the end of their careers - and a whole lot of historians writing contemptuous things about them for posterity.  Thousands of Americans called and yelled at their national politicians to stop this madness.  Yet why does President Obama still act like it doesn't matter if Congress votes him down because he will move forward and bomb Syria back into the Stone Age?...

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