Dennys Links

06 September 2013

A Truth Journal: Syria War Cluster F**k: Russia, Jon Stewart and Daily Show Weigh In On Dumb and Dumber

Host Jon Stewart in the studio of The Daily Sh...

A Truth Journal: Syria War Cluster F**k: Russia, Jon Stewart and Daily Show Weigh In On Dumb and Dumber: 4 funny Daily Show video clips.
From Denny:  Can this rush to join in on the Syrian civil war get any weirder?  President Obama, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and Sec. Kerry created a new White House page just to sell this new American war.  It looks like it was hastily pulled together like some lame corporate power point presentation.

It's loaded with a short timeline, a few videos, press statement links and some of the properly slanted unclassified intelligence assessment pointing to chemical weapons use.  Of course, it looks like just more of a slick political campaign to influence the public.  Give it up, guys, this page won't convince anyone.

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