Dennys Links

12 June 2013

A Truth Journal: To President Obama, FBI, CIA, NSA: Do NOT Kill NSA Leaker Snowden Once Found

The seal of the U.S. National Security Agency....

A Truth Journal: To President Obama, FBI, CIA, NSA: Do NOT Kill NSA Leaker Snowden Once Found: From Denny:  ... As the FBI tracks down Edward Snowden to question him and determine just how much he really knows and has timed to release, be mindful of using wisdom in this entire matter.

If President Obama, the CIA, or the NSA have sent out assassins to kill him, then call it off now.  If any of you have thought about killing him, then think again as it would only create a bigger mess.  I see absolutely nothing has changed since the years I grew up in the CIA and I am so ready to bitch slap the first person who thinks they can step over this line and kill or harm Snowden...

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