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06 May 2013

A Truth Journal: Boston Marathon Bombing: What Latest BS Stories From Growing Number of Suspects?

left, surviving suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and right, dead suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev

A Truth Journal: Boston Marathon Bombing: What Latest BS Stories From Growing Number of Suspects?: From Denny:  Slow dogged investigation from the FBI, the CIA and the rest of the intelligence community (IC), Homeland Security, the Boston police, along with international groups like America's sudden new BFF:  Russia, have yielded a fuller picture of how these two brothers became radicalized and found it so easy to carry out their vile bombing plan.

A twice wounded Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured after a day long manhunt in the city of Boston.  Unable to speak because of a serious gunshot neck wound, he wrote his answers to questions from investigators.  These answers came before getting advised of his rights since there was the exception for public safety.  Tsarnaev tried to convince investigators this bombing was only created by he and his brother - and that no one else was involved or had any knowledge of their plan.  Of course, no self-respecting police officer or investigator would believe such a statement and continued investigating...


Boston Forever Strong: check out the new address of a determined city since the marathon bombing - forever_strong2.  Many more products with this design, check it out!