Dennys Links

23 February 2013

A Truth Journal: Save The Economy: How Prez Obama Can Push GOP to Settle Sequestration Now

Sequestration - How Would it Impact the Everyday Lives of Americans?

A Truth Journal: Save The Economy: How Prez Obama Can Push GOP to Settle Sequestration Now: From Denny:  As usual Washington is frustrating the country - and the world markets - with its typical bickering and jockeying for dominant position on the latest issue.  The American people want our politicians to solve the problems of the country.  The politicians and their lobbyist handlers are in opposition, pushing only their own agendas.

Too many in Congress are privately talking about allowing the Sequestration to go through with the deep cuts - for several months until at least June or July.  They want to see how loudly the public howls about their economic pain of not receiving paychecks and then forced to empty their savings accounts to pay bills.  Are you kidding me?  Who are these Bozos?

Snake Chinese New Year Flask

Be scary. Be wise. It's the Chinese Year of the Snake!

Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - contributing to fund efforts to help homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!  And a special thanks to those of you supporting this effort!  You rock!