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10 September 2012

2012 DNC Speech: President Bill Clinton Sets The Base On Fire

English: Official Presidential Portrait of Uni...
English: Official Presidential Portrait of United States President Bill Clinton commissioned by the United States government for display in the White House. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
From Denny:   Former President and senior statesman, Bill Clinton, rocked the house!  The new polls are out and it looks like Bill Clinton did a better job of framing the Obama message than Obama's political people did in four years.

Clinton has also convinced people to basically forget about what Obama has or has not done and instead pay attention to what the Republicans will take away from you.  As a result there are not many undecided voters left after Bill Clinton got a hold of them. :)

Of course, the Obama political hack, David Axelrod, actually tried to take credit for the Clinton speech.  Oh, come on; Bill Clinton is notorious for handing in prepared speeches to the press and then spends half his delivered speech off the cuff.  Bill Clinton did just that. Someone go tell Axelrod to go stand in the corner.  What a putz.

This is the complete rousing speech from C-SPAN.  This version contains plenty of footage of the crowd to gauge a better take on the atmosphere for the speaker.  Take a listen as there are not too many orators that come along like this in one lifetime:
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Fat Cat Stats Mousepad

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