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05 May 2012

Funny Jon Stewart: Obama Fail On Chinese Dissident

Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart (Image via
From Denny:  Jon Stewart watched with horror, like the rest of us, when President Obama dumped one desperate Chinese dissident, Chen Guangcheng, in favor of "diplomatic relations" with communist China.  So much for America standing up for human rights and the little guy.

Could this international incident be more telling about the "real" Obama instead of the marketed hyped one?  Obama made America look dickhead bad to the international community.  "Oh, thank you, for egg on face."

Fast forward the blow back from the human rights community when Obama practically gave this dissident the bum's rush out of the embassy, eager to end the international tension with America's debt bankers.  Check out the blow back from the opportunistic Romney Republican political machine desperate to regain the White House this election year.  That got Obama's attention.

Seems like only the Republicans can get Obama to do anything because the Democrats sure don't have any effect.  Millions of howling out of work desperate Americans sure doesn't do the trick but a howling Chinese dissident Romney wants to rescue sure does.  What's wrong with that picture?

Check out funny comic John Oliver as he talks about how the Clintons come to the rescue for dissidents when it comes to the international scene.  Former President Clinton rescued a couple of women this year.  Sec. of State Hillary Clinton is suggesting that this year's Flavor of the Month Dissident come study in America on a fellowship at NYU, saving face for the Chinese government.

The Chinese government has agreed to the deal but still has not released said dissident.  The Chinese have been busy intimidating and imprisoning said dissident's family and friends to show they mean business.  Yeah, howling in an American election year - and getting the attention of the political opposition - is the tried and true formula to get Obama off his butt to do the right thing.  Sad but true.

Comic John Oliver also introduces another more musical Clinton, George Clinton, for a few more laughs.  Check it out:


China's best known dissident escapes from house arrest, hides out at the U.S. Embassy, and asks Hillary Clinton to fly him to safety.

Chensanity - Clinton Flies to the Rescue

John Oliver explains how Bill Clinton set a dangerous diplomatic precedent for dissidents living in dictatorships, and then demonstrates the best-case Clinton scenario.

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