Dennys Links

25 April 2012

Good News: New Jobs Now Tout TVs Made In America

Photograph by Chris Rank/Bloomberg

From Denny:  With 31 million new jobs required to get this economy back on track it's good news to finally see an electronics manufacturer come back to America.  It's easily been at least a couple of decades since American TV manufacturers closed shop and either moved overseas for cheaper labor or, worse, went out of business.

Someone new is willing to take the gamble and hire American workers once again.  These larger TVs are assembled by American workers in hard hit Detroit, Michigan.  They just started up production in March and are competitive with China.

The parts are still made overseas but at least this is a start.  The company, Element Electronics, hopes this endeavor takes off so they can attract parts manufacturers here so the product will be less expensive to create if the parts are not imported.

Guess what else is cool?  All these TVs are sold out for the year.  That's definitely good news for a manufacturer still new on the scene.  It shows the company may be able to stay in business in America, keeping jobs here at home.

What about higher American labor costs?  Well, this company has figured out what many more American companies that sent jobs overseas should have also figured out:  lower tariffs and transportation costs make it possible to manufacture TVs once again in the USA.

The company will focus on LCD TVs in the 46-, 50-, 65-, and 70-inch screen sizes, with a mix of both CCFL and LED backlights. TV features will include 120/240Hz anti-blur technology, 3D, and Internet capability.

Currently, Element Electronics is starting small with 100 jobs.  The future looks bright for expansion.  Let's get behind this effort to help American workers.  Buy Made in the USA!

Element TVs are currently available in storefront retailers such as Target, Walmart and Costco retail, as well as through some online retailers and via QVC.

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