Dennys Links

03 April 2012

Dennys Global Politics: Syria: How Long Can Assad Last? What Are World Leaders Doing To End Killings?

Assad Democracy!
Assad Democracy! (Photo credit: FreedomHouse2)
Dennys Global Politics: Syria: How Long Can Assad Last? What Are World Leaders Doing To End Killings?: From Denny:  Will world leaders be successful in ending the carnage in Syria as the dictator continues to massacre his own people?  Will the Arab nations get serious and quit sitting on the sidelines, always expecting America to fix it with our blood and money?  How much patience do the American people have for yet another war in the Middle East?

International envoy and former United Nations chief, Kofi Annan, announced today that Assad has agreed to end hostilities by April 10th by pulling out troops and tanks from the big cities.  Of course, few in the international world believe Assad will live up to his agreement as he is known for breaking previous promises.  World leaders now believe that the Annan six-point peace plan has been violated and are working to develop additional plans to curb Assad beside diplomatic courses and economic sanctions.
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