Dennys Links

05 March 2012

Dennys Global Politics: Is Rush Limbaugh Rhetoric Reason for Violence Against Women In Military?

Rush Limbaugh Cartoon by Ian D. Marsden of mar...
Image via Wikipedia
Dennys Global Politics: Is Rush Limbaugh Rhetoric Reason for Violence Against Women In Military?: From Denny: In another version of stupid, the Pentagon continues to air the Rush Limbaugh Show, refusing to cancel it, insulting American women in and out of uniform. Pentagon press secretary, George Little, sees no reason why the American Forces Network should stop broadcasting Rush Limbaugh's show.

Little claims the show is popular with service members and that there is no plan to review that decision. Because this incendiary crap is popular you refuse to get rid of it? It's no wonder the Afghans are so furious with your insensitivity.

You see, it is apparently the Defense Department's policy to broadcast shows that "reflect a wide range of opinion." So, I guess they should consider giving air time to the Ku Klux Klan? How is this situation any different than inciting violence against blacks? Hey, let's give air time to The Taliban. I'm sure there are plenty of service members who want to hear from their warped point of view too.
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