Dennys Links

22 February 2012

President's Day Flash Mob: Seniors Take To The Streets, Sing Patriotic Songs

From Denny: You know it isn't cool any more when the old guys adopt the younger generation's culture like flash mobs. :)

Seriously, this was a group of seniors from the World War 2 generation that remember growing up in the tough economic times of the Great Depression.

They also remember how they used to pick up their spirits - and those around them - by singing in groups their favorite patriotic songs on holidays like President's Day.

Seniors from three different retirement communities came together in one public place to sing "America The Beautiful" and "God Bless America" in Beaverton, Oregon.  Many of the 100 plus flag-waving participants were almost 100 years old.

This event carried a lot of meaning and a lot of memories for them.  They were well received by the surprised and smiling camera-phone wielding younger generation, happy to document the event and post it on Twitter and other social sites.

Here's the link to the local news station's video of the event if the embedded version does not seem to be working.  President's Day was Monday, 20 Feb 2012.  Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) was yesterday, Tuesday, 21 Feb 2012.  And, today, I'm just getting around to posting it all.  :)

And, oh, BTW, a big thank you to the 13,000 plus hordes that showed up on my various blogs like this one that carried the funny Mardi Gras posts.  It was like our own jamming Mardi Gras in the virtual world.  Hope you enjoyed the holiday!

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