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25 December 2011

Merry Christmas to ALL! Christmas News Video Clips

From Denny:  Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season.  Hope you enjoyed a tasty feast and stuffed yourselves silly.  Just wait until the New Year for those calorie regrets.  Enjoy your day and thank you for all your support this year! :)

Thought I'd put up a few cool Christmas video news clips of people who live the Christmas spirit of goodwill and giving to others.

Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem:

The Bicycle Man in Fayettville, North Carolina spends all year repairing old bikes to give to needy kids on Christmas day:

Children of military getting the best surprise: Dad or Mom arrive home for the holidays. These kids could care less about the presents under the tree. Their smiles say it all.

Christmas around the world:

The Santa Tracker:  Nearly 100,00 calls from children fielded by NORAD while they tracked Santa around the globe. These are the same guys that track suspicious aircraft, you know, like aliens or Santa.

Turns out Santa gets a diplomatic pass through our air space every year, according to my sources. So, next year when you want to fly to see the relatives during the holidays, just inform Homeland Security you are hitching a ride on Santa's sleigh. After all, with diplomatic immunity he doesn't have to go through all those annoying detectors and suffer long lines.  You will arrive in the blink of an eye.

Check it out:  The Santa Tracker site

Serenading your from Louisiana, Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

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