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11 November 2011

Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious and Odd: Funny Jon Stewart: Rick Perry Gaffe Gifts Joy Boners to Comedians

Jon StewartImage via WikipediaOuch Outrageous Obnoxious and Odd: Funny Jon Stewart: Rick Perry Gaffe Gifts Joy Boners to Comedians: From Denny: When the GOP presidential candidates screw up on national television, let the comedians count their blessings. Jon Stewart continues to be amazed - and thankful - for all of the Dope Moment gaffes from the Rick Perry campaign.

Just how many times can a candidate mess up like the gift that keeps on giving? Perry trots out on to the various talk shows to try and convince voters he was in on the joke from the previous night's debate. See? It wasn't really a gaffe like it looked. And who believes that sorry try? Well, no one - certainly not on The Daily Show set.

Worse, The Daily Show comedians all had to get in on the act to "display" their visual joy over the recent Rick Perry debate gaffe where he could not remember all three of the government agencies he claimed he would close down if he were in the White House. He managed to tick off the Commerce Department and the Dept. of Education but declared it an Oops! Moment when he experienced a brain freeze, OK, a brain fart to be truthful.
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